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Condé Nast awards San Miguel de Allende

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Condé Nast awards San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato is once again awarded by Condé Nast Traveler Officials announce the award in San Miguel de Allende The City i

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San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato is once again awarded by Condé Nast Traveler

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Officials announce the award in San Miguel de Allende

The City in Guanajuato is recognized and its citizens and authorities celebrate and are proud of this place

San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

San Miguel de Allende was awarded once more as the Best Small City in the World by the readers of the magazine Condé Nast Traveler and the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, recognized the work of the tourist sector in this city that is considered a World Heritage Site.


Honor for all

“I want to congratulate all the citizens of San Miguel de Allende for this great award. Thanks because no doubt you have honored all the State of Guanajuato”, said the Governor.

Condé Nast also recognized local hotels as “The Best Hotel in Mexico” in the category “15 best Hotels in Our Country”: The first place was for Hotel Rosewood; second place was for Hotel Matilda; Hotel Casa Rosada made it to the fifth post; while Hotel Dos Casas is in the 13th post in the category.

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San Miguel de Allende, maintains its enchantment

Really proud

“It is a great effort that was made by service providers, governments, health authorities and all, so that San Miguel de Allende is back in the list; you make us really proud and you give us one more reason to keep investing in San Miguel de Allende, because you are doing things very well”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor recognized the work of the tourist sector, of Laura Torres Sentien, the President of the Tourist Council of San Miguel de Allende; of the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel and of the City’s Mayor, Luis Alberto Villarreal Garcia, who, as a team continue to make of San Miguel de Allende one of the best travel destinies of Mexico.

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A new campaign

The commitment of the Government of Guanajuato, said the Governor, is to keep promoting tirelessly the tourist sector to strengthen the economy, that is why last month the tourist reactivation campaign “Guanajuato Vive Grandes Historias” was launched. The Governor called on recovering the greatness of the tourist industry.

San Miguel de Allende Conde Nast 3
You can’t avoid but to love this city

Condé Nast

Condé Nast Traveler is an international magazine dedicated to traveling and focused in the luxury lifestile segments since 1987. The company prints 807, 873 copies in USA. Its slogan is “Truth in Travel” and is focused on people who contantly travel with interest in leisure activities.

San Miguel de Allende Conde Nast

Condé Nast content specializes in the newest hotels, the best tourist destinations, restaurants, spas and even adventure travel in the world.

Chosen by users

Each year, more than 600 thousand readers of Condé Nast around the world vote for their favorite destinations, hotels, resorts, islands, cruise ships, airlines and airports, and choose with polls the best in each category.

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It is only confirmed, San Miguel de Allende is among the best
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