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COFOCE connects companies with international buyers

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COFOCE connects companies with international buyers

Through the Industry Connection program, COFOCE held a business reunion with local suppliers in the leather and footwear sector, with the company Lea

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Through the Industry Connection program, COFOCE held a business reunion with local suppliers in the leather and footwear sector, with the company Leanne Corcoran

Leon/Gto News

Companies in the leather and footwear sector held a business meeting with an international buyer to bring their products to other countries.

Through the Industry Connection program, COFOCE connected six Guanajuatense companies in the leather footwear sector with a U.S. firm.

With the goal of promoting Guanajuatense leather products in the U.S. market, and becoming suppliers of leather products to a brand in the neighboring country, companies were connected with potential buyers.

“We knew we were going to find top-quality products because we know how competitive companies here have to be. We figured that to be a producer here, you need to offer top-quality products, and the long history associated with manufacturing brought me here. It’s funny because when I told friends what I was doing, they said, ‘Wait a minute, who are these people?’ I said, ‘It must be a government agency that supports this type of thing.’ And they said, ‘I’d never heard of anything like this’, said Leanne Corcoran.

“And like I said before, reaching out to you guys, connecting me with a list of suppliers that align with my needs and my brand, saved me hours and hours of research. Then coming in and telling you, ‘This is what I’m looking for,’ and having you guys create the agenda, schedule the meetings, and arrange everything is absolutely invaluable. I can’t even imagine how much time, but especially money, you’ve helped me save by working with you,” said Leanne Corcoran.

Some of the participating companies are:

  • Bixi Awotan, Mosvarti, AMC Manufacturing, Bolsas de Leon, Monteblanco, Dulce Corazon, among other, most of which are from the municipality of Leon

The client is primarily looking for leather bags, chiseled details, handcrafted bags, and also custom handmade footwear to take back to the United States.

“This is a very important support program for manufacturers, because as business owners, you’re either involved in production or you’re involved in sales or development, and I believe COFOCE plays a very important role here, serving as the one that seeks out clients or attracts investment or sales for businesses like ours,” said Uriel Torres, from the Bixi Awotan Company.

In addition to offering a customized product that fully meets customer needs, local suppliers offer quality, cutting-edge technology, and competitive production times.

“The truth is that it’s great, because they bring you closer to another type of clients, where you see the connection, the opportunity, and well, thanks for taking the time to connect with them. We hope to close a very good deal and continue working with them and with many more clients. And we hope to reach many companies, micro-businesses, many women,” said Alondra from Dulce Corazon, a company that is characterized by being purely family-run where the production of its product is done mostly by women.

To learn more about the opportunities your company could have in marketing its products abroad, contact COFOCE at:

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