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COFOCE ‘Builds Trade Bridges’

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COFOCE ‘Builds Trade Bridges’

COFOCE announced the event “Guanajuato in Canada and Hong Kong. Building Trade Bridges” organized as part of the signing of two collaboration agreeme

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COFOCE announced the event “Guanajuato in Canada and Hong Kong. Building Trade Bridges” organized as part of the signing of two collaboration agreements, the first with the Chamber of Commerce of Canada in Mexico-Cancham and the second is the signing of the agreement with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Hong Kong Canada Guanajuato COFOCE 3

Through these agreements participants will work to increase collaboration in areas of entrepreneurial development, promote the exchange of products, the transference of knowledge and the Exchange of good practices in these fields.

Participants also work in the creation of a network of contacts and strategic alliances.

Hong Kong Canada Guanajuato COFOCE 4

The event will provide a unique opportunity to establish entrepreneurial contacts, create strategic alliances and expand the network of contacts in both countries.

They also work in creating long lasting relations that promote long term collaboration.

Leon/Gto News

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