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CIATEC: 45 years of pioneering

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CIATEC: 45 years of pioneering

The Center celebrates being at the core of the technological development in Guanajuato The institution is a referral within the ecosystem for

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The Center celebrates being at the core of the technological development in Guanajuato

CIATEC 45 years of innovation 2

The institution is a referral within the ecosystem for innovation in Mexico

Leon/Gto News

In the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Center for Appliead Innovation in Competitive Technologies –CIATEC-, Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo recognized the institution as a success story and which is today a fundamental piece in the valley of innovation in Guanajuato.

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The route of innovation

“It is an institution that knew how to evolve, to become what it is today, a very important piece in the ecosystem for the economic and social development of our State, supporting the effort of entrepreneurs and of the Government to take the State through the route of innovation”, said the Governor.

“CIATEC works with other sectors and with some industries, they form an ecosystem for the technological drive of Guanajuato with a platform that will help us go from manufacture to mindfacture and take our State to the next level in its development”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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A benefit for people

“The success story of CIATEC is an example of what we are promoting in Guanajuato, create knowledge and transform it for the benefit of society; turning basic science into applied science is a fundamental part of what Guanajuato is working for, and use it the productive sectors, in industrial and comercial technology; and finally, that technology turns into a real benefit for people”, said the Governor.


Entrepreneurial vision

The General Director of CIATEC, Ricardo Guerra Sanchez, said that this institution was created by an initiative of entrepreneurs with interests in the shoe-leather industry of Leon, and as time went by, it became stronger and full of knowledge, to become an investigation, innovation and application center of science and technology to make more efficient the manufacture process in the State, Mexico and Latin America.

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Development, technology and innovation

“Today it is a center with highly qualified people that offers highly specialized technology and services that support health, assistance and generates development, technology and innovation”, said Guerra Sanchez.

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Aiming high

“We contribute to the industrial development, and work to improve the quality of life of citizens. We provide technological resources that meet the requirements of companies, of our associates, of public and private organisms, of governments. We are a public center of investigation, useful, applied, well oriented, highly linked and with a vision to become a world class institution, leader in Latin America in terms of technological impact, generation of knowledge, talent and value for the economic and social development”, said the director.

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