CEAG published the tender to build the water works The tender is for water actions in Silao and Tarimoro Da click en el link al final de la no
CEAG published the tender to build the water works
The tender is for water actions in Silao and Tarimoro
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Guanajuato/Gto News
As part of the strategies that the State Water Commission of Guanajuato promotes to carry out works this year, the CEAG published the tender for hydraulic actions for the municipalities of Silao and Tarimoro.

These are works of elevated tanks and surface tanks for the storage of drinking water that will contribute to improve the efficiency of the service of the vital liquid in these regions of the State of Guanajuato, informed the Commission.

The works and actions that were published in the tender are:
- Construction of an elevated tank in the Arboledas neighborhood in the municipality of Tarimoro
- Construction of a surface tank for water storage with a capacity of 5,000 cubic meters, in Guanajuato Puerto Interior in Silao

To learn more about the tender, you can visit:
“The State Government, through the State Water Commission, continues to promote permanent and transversal coordination with all municipalities to advance in drinking water coverage so that Guanajuato continues to be the Greatness of Mexico”, noted the State Commission.
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