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Category: The State

This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

1 221 222 223 224 225 246 2230 / 2456 POSTS
More companies trust in Guanajuato

More companies trust in Guanajuato

In 33 months 61 investment projects have arrived in Guanajuato, investing 2,416 million dollars and creating 29,375 jobs Le Bélier invests mor [...]
Guanajuato: Global Destination of Events

Guanajuato: Global Destination of Events

Our State will become the epicenter of business and international events in Latin America The Congress is part of the arrival in Guanajuato of Han [...]
ANPIC reports sales for 236 million

ANPIC reports sales for 236 million

Suppliers came in great numbers to the ANPIC fair, but buyers were also eager to come and do business The suppliers fair returned to its in pe [...]
Huawei joins the Valley of Mindfacture

Huawei joins the Valley of Mindfacture

Huawei and Guanajuato sign an agreement that promotes the ecosystem of innovation of the State in the Valley of Mindfacture In Guanajuato we k [...]
Wanted: Talavera from Guanajuato

Wanted: Talavera from Guanajuato

A retailers store chain wants products from this State to sell them in more than 1 thousand selling points Artisans from Guanajuato have anoth [...]
All ready to consolidate Valley of Mindfacture

All ready to consolidate Valley of Mindfacture

IDEA GTO has the “Technological Walkway ON. 02: Business Opportunities in Dominant Transformation Industries” State Officials and entrepreneurs ar [...]
‘The goal is to serve and trascend’

‘The goal is to serve and trascend’

Ale Gutierrez says she will set the example and that in her Government no one will be left behind Mayor Elect commits to create more opportunities [...]
The ‘Valley of Mindfacture” is presented

The ‘Valley of Mindfacture” is presented

Guanajuatenses should be in the center of innovation and entrepreneurship, to improve income, lifestyle and environment Guanajuato is leading [...]
Divex: The suppliers fair grows

Divex: The suppliers fair grows

The second edition of the suppliers fair in Leon was a succes, it was held hand in hand with ANPIC the APIMEX shoe-leather fair The suppliers [...]
Ale es Alcalde Electa

Ale es Alcalde Electa

Consigue un Cabildo sólido con dos síndicos y siete regidores azules; está lista para sumar a la oposición por el bien de los leoneses. Ale Gutiér [...]
1 221 222 223 224 225 246 2230 / 2456 POSTS