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Category: The State

This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

1 157 158 159 160 161 246 1590 / 2458 POSTS
In Dolores the ‘Jose Alfredo Jimenez International Festival’

In Dolores the ‘Jose Alfredo Jimenez International Festival’

Artists of today will perform at the festival singing the songs of the Guanajuatense More than 20,000 visitors are expected to the 13th Internatio [...]
NASA accepting civilians in Lunar Terrain Vehicle

NASA accepting civilians in Lunar Terrain Vehicle

As astronauts explore the South Pole region of the Moon during Artemis missions, they will be able to go farther and conduct more science than ever b [...]
Research for Health is awarded

Research for Health is awarded

The Health Research Forum ends to strengthen research devoted to the development needs of the medical system Da click en el link al final de la no [...]
Ultimate Urban Enduro in streets of Guanajuato

Ultimate Urban Enduro in streets of Guanajuato

SECTUR promotes Sports Tourism in Guanajuato and contributes to the consolidation and strengthening of the municipalities Sports events are releva [...]
In Moroleon: 2nd. Edition of Fashion Showroom

In Moroleon: 2nd. Edition of Fashion Showroom

The event is part of the activities of "Guanajuato Inspiration that dress you up, November month of fashion" The activities are a strategy that pr [...]
30 years of CECyTE Guanajuato are celebrated

30 years of CECyTE Guanajuato are celebrated

The Governor announced the investment of 3 million pesos by the State and 1.5 million pesos by the Municipality for the first campus of the CECyTE, l [...]
SEDENA calls all to report illegal acts

SEDENA calls all to report illegal acts

The Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- is calling Guanajuatenses to anonymously report illegal activities The military organism calls citizens [...]
Visit Expo Agroalimentaria Guanajuato 2022

Visit Expo Agroalimentaria Guanajuato 2022

It is already 27 years since this Expo started as a "window to the future" for our agricultural producers, said the Governor of Guanajuato Da clic [...]
‘Love Mexico’ is celebrated in Guanajuato

‘Love Mexico’ is celebrated in Guanajuato

The World Heritage Cities of Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende with sites like Mina de Guadalupe, University of Guanajuato, Hacienda Belloli, Hote [...]
Launched 1st edition of Trends & Design Fashion Forum

Launched 1st edition of Trends & Design Fashion Forum

The Government of Guanajuato promotes the development and exchange of knowledge between the productive sectors of the Mexican fashion industry The [...]
1 157 158 159 160 161 246 1590 / 2458 POSTS