Category: Health
Intensive Triple Viral Vaccination Day on March 9th
Gto Health System announced an Intensive Triple Viral Vaccination Day for this March 9
Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en españo [...]
Guanajuato guarantees access to medicines
The supply of medicines is guaranteed for Guanajuatense residents without rights
The program provides comprehensive care for obesity, overweight, [...]
Low-emission kilns are inaugurated for brick production
The agreements between state institutions and brick producers transform the environment and living conditions of families in the brick sector in Guan [...]

SMAOT works to improve waste management
Purisima del Rincon, Manuel Doblado and San Francisco del Rincon generate 170 to 180 tons of urban solid waste a day
SMAOT offers support with tra [...]
Ligia Gricelda Arce Padilla is new Secretary of Health
Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo officially announced during a work tour in Romita, that doctor Ligia Gricelda Arce Padilla is now Head of the [...]

Fives DyAG grows in Guanajuato
Fives DyAG is a world-class business group that designs, manufactures and puts up production lines for the automotive industry.
The company works [...]
US recognizes Guanajuato
A good exchange between US and Guanajuato
The Ambassador was glad to confirm the economic growth of Guanajuato and its fight against crime
USA [...]