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Category: Health

1 9 10 11107 / 107 POSTS
Intensive Triple Viral Vaccination Day on March 9th

Intensive Triple Viral Vaccination Day on March 9th

Gto Health System announced an Intensive Triple Viral Vaccination Day for this March 9 Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en españo [...]
Guanajuato guarantees access to medicines

Guanajuato guarantees access to medicines

The supply of medicines is guaranteed for Guanajuatense residents without rights The program provides comprehensive care for obesity, overweight, [...]
Low-emission kilns are inaugurated for brick production

Low-emission kilns are inaugurated for brick production

The agreements between state institutions and brick producers transform the environment and living conditions of families in the brick sector in Guan [...]
SMAOT works to improve waste management

SMAOT works to improve waste management

Purisima del Rincon, Manuel Doblado and San Francisco del Rincon generate 170 to 180 tons of urban solid waste a day SMAOT offers support with tra [...]
Ligia Gricelda Arce Padilla is new Secretary of Health

Ligia Gricelda Arce Padilla is new Secretary of Health

Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo officially announced during a work tour in Romita, that doctor Ligia Gricelda Arce Padilla is now Head of the [...]
Fives DyAG grows in Guanajuato

Fives DyAG grows in Guanajuato

Fives DyAG is a world-class business group that designs, manufactures and puts up production lines for the automotive industry. The company works [...]
US recognizes Guanajuato

US recognizes Guanajuato

A good exchange between US and Guanajuato The Ambassador was glad to confirm the economic growth of Guanajuato and its fight against crime USA [...]
1 9 10 11107 / 107 POSTS