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Category: Culture

1 25 26 27270 / 270 POSTS
Salvatierra celebrates 380 years of Foundation

Salvatierra celebrates 380 years of Foundation

Salvatierra is a place that treasures beautiful examples of religious and civil architecture, with bridges, haciendas, convents, and old mansions tha [...]
Cortazar has a successful Tamal Fair

Cortazar has a successful Tamal Fair

More than 24 thousand visitors enjoy the Fair and taste a large variety of delicious tamales Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en [...]
Guanajuato boasts international awards in tourism

Guanajuato boasts international awards in tourism

Most of the awards have been voted for by tourists who travel around the world and have placed the destination among the best options in the world [...]
Telebachilleratos recognize outstanding teachers

Telebachilleratos recognize outstanding teachers

Authorities honor the work of teachers whose dedication and performance have contributed to the academic success of their students TBC teachers ha [...]
La Judea to be presented in Oxnard

La Judea to be presented in Oxnard

The Club Gente Bonita de Purisima, shared an invitation to enjoy the La Judea International representation The event will be held on Saturday Marc [...]
Purisima presents local designs and creations

Purisima presents local designs and creations

Purisimense talents took part in the catwalk that promotes the creations of local talents and which invites to visit Purisima Da click en el link [...]
Guanajuato positions destinations at FITUR

Guanajuato positions destinations at FITUR

Guanajuato does great at Excellence Awards for being a destination proud of its culture, history, tradition and folklore SECTUR strengthens ties o [...]
107 Silver Miners Travel to Texas

107 Silver Miners Travel to Texas

Governor wishes a safe trip to silver miners from 14 municipalities Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: Silao/Gto [...]
Come to the Leon Fair in its last weekend

Come to the Leon Fair in its last weekend

The last weekend of the Leon State Fair 2024 is here and visitors can enjoy a large variety of shows and attractions to spend a great moment with fri [...]
Guanajuato celebrates 2 centuries of Federalism

Guanajuato celebrates 2 centuries of Federalism

On January 31, 1824, the Constitutive Act of the Mexican Federation was signed, begnning the process of making Mexico a Federal Republic Federalis [...]
1 25 26 27270 / 270 POSTS