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Category: Business

1 119 120 121 122 123 223 1210 / 2228 POSTS
Presented Project of Integral Youth Care

Presented Project of Integral Youth Care

Libia Dennise Garcia visited in Celaya the AC Youth Integration Center –CIJ-; the head of SEDESHU supported the work in this institution They agre [...]
Governor ratifies more support for farmers

Governor ratifies more support for farmers

We want Guanajuato's livestock sector to continue to be a strong pillar of our economy: Governor The 24 Ocampo Regional Livestock Expo 2023 and th [...]
Health acts against the heat

Health acts against the heat

SSG delivers more than 138 thousand packets of Vida Suero Oral among the 46 municipalities Children and eleders should be cared for and watched [...]
More investment and resources for Cortazar

More investment and resources for Cortazar

The State Government invests 212 MP in Avenida Insurgentes and Puente del Rio Laja to connect to the Polytechnic University of Guanajuato 29 Publi [...]
Gto Health System calls to protect against heat

Gto Health System calls to protect against heat

This year 137 minors have received attention due to symptoms related to high temperaturas Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en esp [...]
Governor presents ITM Hannover Messe and RAI 2023

Governor presents ITM Hannover Messe and RAI 2023

From October 4 to 6, 2023 Guanajuato will host the 5th Edition of the Industrial Transformation Mexico –ITM- and the Annual Meeting of Industrialists [...]
The history of tunnels of Guanajuato to be presented

The history of tunnels of Guanajuato to be presented

The book “The Tunnels of the City of Guanajuato. Study, projects, construction and designs” tells part of the history of Guanajuato Da click en el [...]
Guanajuato reaches $6,200 MD in investment

Guanajuato reaches $6,200 MD in investment

Governor inaugurates the XV edition of the Expo MIPYME Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: Irapuato/Gt [...]
DÄTA GTO Decision Lab is launched

DÄTA GTO Decision Lab is launched

The new laboratory promotes innovation and decision-making The collection of data will give an edge to the decision making in Guanajuato Da cli [...]
Health grants 3,600 bases to its personnel

Health grants 3,600 bases to its personnel

The six-year term will end with more than 8,000 regularized health professionals By the beginning of 2024, 3,500 more bases will be delivered D [...]
1 119 120 121 122 123 223 1210 / 2228 POSTS