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Category: Business

1 113 114 115 116 117 223 1150 / 2230 POSTS
The Leon International Cello Festival is extended

The Leon International Cello Festival is extended

Guanajuato City receives 2 dates of the Leon International Cello Festival The presentations are programmed at the Palacio de los Poderes Museum [...]
COFOCE makes it possible for companies to export

COFOCE makes it possible for companies to export

Daniel and a high school project that became an export product from Guanajuato  Küil, sustainable writing is presented as a success story Da cl [...]
SDES promotes and supports self-employment

SDES promotes and supports self-employment

The secretary delivered equipment and tools from the 'Mi Negocio, contigo si' program 69 families from the municipalities of Irapuato and Abasolo [...]
Libia honors Education support staff

Libia honors Education support staff

More than 40 awards were presented to workers from the 16 union regions for their years of service Libia Dennise endorses her commitment to the ed [...]
Heat waves are here to stay, it seems

Heat waves are here to stay, it seems

The dog days of summer are upon us. Brutal heat waves are roasting regions around the globe, smashing records with unrelenting severity. In the so [...]
Brotherhood Guanajuato-Hiroshima grows

Brotherhood Guanajuato-Hiroshima grows

11 young Guanajuatenses will travel to Japan on an educational exchange with the support of the State Government Thanks to your efforts, today you [...]
Webb captures a close look at Saturn

Webb captures a close look at Saturn

On June 25, 2023, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope turned to famed ringed world Saturn for its first near-infrared observations of the planet. The i [...]
Professional soccer returns to Irapuato

Professional soccer returns to Irapuato

The State Government will intervene in the 'Sergio Leon Chavez' Stadium with structural improvements Da click en el link al final de la nota para [...]
Rembrandt visits Guanajuato at MAHG

Rembrandt visits Guanajuato at MAHG

Celebrating "Guanajuato, 200 years of Greatness", the Museum of Art and History of Guanajuato inaugurated the exhibition “The Goddess of Re [...]
COFOCE extends agreement in Texas to construction sector

COFOCE extends agreement in Texas to construction sector

After the signing of the Agreement between Guanajuato and Austin, COFOCE held a trade mission with the Texas construction sector The agreement ope [...]
1 113 114 115 116 117 223 1150 / 2230 POSTS