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Both parts work for better Education

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Both parts work for better Education

Dialogue between Education authorities and teachers of the Region of Leon is strengthened. Education authorities and teachers analyze opportunitie

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Dialogue between Education authorities and teachers of the Region of Leon is strengthened.

Education authorities and teachers analyze opportunities to improve teaching

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Leon/Gto News

As part of the strengthening of actions of evaluation and monitoring, education authorities and teachers of the Regional Delegation of Education in Leon met to analyze the progress and manifest results in their advisory and support plans in attention to the strategies for the improvement of learning of children and adolescents.

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Areas of opportunity

The Regional Delegation held the session on “Development of monitoring instruments for the advisory and support services”, an action in which it was possible to dialogue with various school authorities and teachers, and thus have direct knowledge of the areas of opportunity in schools in this region.

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Improved education

Coordination with the supervision teams makes it possible to learn first-hand about successful practices, teacher training needs, and the status of schools to ensure a better education.

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For the benefit of students

The aforementioned processes of analysis and reflection on the forms of intervention from the supervisory function and the head of the sector when visiting schools seek to enhance the performance of management and teaching staff for the benefit of students.

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Better planning

School authorities are aware and sensitized so that within their advice and support plans they develop control and monitoring mechanisms to assess the level of impact and results that they implement for the improvement of learning.

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