Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

Authorities work for water of Guanajuato
The Federal and Guanajuato governments hold a meeting to advance attention to the entity's water agenda
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What is making Guanajuatenses ill
SSG reports the 7 main causes of illness in Guanajuato as the year began
Acute respiratory infections and Covid 19 are among the top two causes of [...]

Homicide and crime rates are lower
Guanajuato closed 2022, with a decrease in homicides and in the overall crime rate, according to data published by the Executive Secretary of the Nat [...]

State Government brings infrastructure to Tierra Blanca
The Governor delivered, supervised and started works with an investment of more than 60 million pesos in this Municipality in the northeast of Guanaj [...]

Tourism commits to protect the environment
The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, and Dirk Glaesser, UNWTO Director of Sustainable Development of Tourism, agreed to promote the strategy for t [...]

Guanajuato invests against HIV
With an investment for 111 MP the application of rapid tests has increased, making it possible to find 422 new cases in 2022. The timely supply of th [...]

Guanajuato has less pregnant girls
The rate of pregnancies in minors closed 2022 with a downward trend in Guanajuato
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San Miguel is declared area of learning
Natural, cultural and historical areas of San Miguel de Allende are Learning Territories
SEG and local allies promote significant experiences and [...]

After 50 thousand years, it is back!
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was discovered by astronomers using the wide-field survey camera at the Zwicky Transient Facility in early March 2022.
A [...]

A key city for Guanajuato
447 years of history in the city of Leon
The Governor highlights the importance of Leon, since it is a thriving and key city in the development of [...]