Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

Elementary students take a look at robotics
In Guanajuato, robotics becomes an elementary subject in basic education
Secondary and high school students exhibit this type of technology a [...]

Modernization of Malecon is awarded
Next stage of modernization of the Malecon del Rio in Leon, will start by the end of April
They allocate 113.9 million pesos to modernize one of t [...]

Intercultural University is almost finished
The works of the Intercultural University of the State of Guanajuato in Comonfort present an advance of more than 97%
Up to 42.7 milion have been [...]

In Tierra Blanca ‘We are here to serve’
Governor delivers hydraulic and road works in Tierra Blanca
It is about coming, listening and coming back for the people: Governor
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Metal from Guanajuato to the world’s auto-industry
Companies from Guanajuato receive support and guide from cofoce to export taking their products to the international markets
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Governor presents more works in San Luis de La Paz
More works and actions have been performed by the State Government in San Luis de la Paz
Governor delivers road infrastructure works in communitie [...]

Projects Mindfacture are analyzed
Features like entrepreneurship, technology, applied science and innovation are evaluated
The Mindfacture Awards will be held on April 20th and 21s [...]

Gto Health System improves its services
Guanajuato strenthens quality medical services on the World Health Day 2023
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G [...]

Isaac brings his ‘Expressions’ to Leon
The international Mexican dancer Isaac Hernandez will perform in the Bicentenario Theater in Leon
The artista from Guadalajara will present the wo [...]

Forest fire rages in hills of Guanajuato City
State, Federal and municipal Authorities fight a forest fire that is burning in the Sierra de Los Codornices
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