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Artisans from Guanajuato join forces

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Artisans from Guanajuato join forces

Producers of ceramics and pottery are planning to use technology and Mindfacture to improve their production The first Cluster of Ceramics and

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Producers of ceramics and pottery are planning to use technology and Mindfacture to improve their production

Ceramics Cluster Guanajuato 2

The first Cluster of Ceramics and Pottery of Guanajuato AC is created

Dolores Hidalgo/Gto News

Having in mind the development and strength of the productive chain of the arts and Ceramics sector of Guanajuato, Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo witnessed as the Council of Directors and founding associates  of the Cluster of Ceramics and Pottery of Guanajuato AC swore their positions.

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The first ones

This cluster starts with 20 producers of pottery and ceramics from Guanajuato, San Felipe and Dolores Hidalgo, who will reach out to other artisans in Guanajuato with this activity like Tarandacuao, Abasolo, Acambaro, Comonfort, San Miguel de Allende, Xichu, Leon and San Jose Iturbide. The members of the founding group will bring the necessary information and assistance for more producers to join the cluster and be beneficiaries of this project of economic development.

Ceramics Cluster Guanajuato 3

More to be done

“I am sure that this new way of working together, will strengthen this important sector of the economy of the State; and there is a lot to be done in the ceramics and pottery sector from the Valley of Mindfacture, from innovation, use of technology and economy of knowledge”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.


Strength of Guanajuato

“I want to tell you that you have the support of the State Government. We are proud of what you are producing and of what you do to take this regional activity to a new level of development; we confirm that citizen’s participation and the commitment of society is a strength of Guanajuato”, said the Governor.

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