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AluMexico Summit & Expo 2021 is in Leon

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AluMexico Summit & Expo 2021 is in Leon

The Summit has suppliers of technology, services, products and assistance in the aluminum industry With the event of IMEDAL members Guanajuato

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The Summit has suppliers of technology, services, products and assistance in the aluminum industry

Aluminum Expo Summit Leon 2

With the event of IMEDAL members Guanajuato confirms its vocation as a Pro-Business State

Leon/Gto News

With the AluMexico Summit & Expo 2021 Congress, Guanajuato confirms its vocation as a pro-business State, said Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.


Creating wealth

“In Guanajuato, we are convinced that the best way to beat poverty in Mexico is by creating wealth, not giving handouts; it is by creating formal jobs”, said the Governor.

“Formal jobs, are created by you and at the Government we only create the ideal conditions and the perfect ecosystem for the entrepreneur to create jobs and to eliminate poverty in this country”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Less poor in Guanajuato

In 10 years, said the Governor, as reported by the CONEVAL, Guanajuato reduced poverty by 50%, it went from 8.4% to 4.2%, because the State grew in solving shortages at sectors like: education, health, social security, housing, basic services and food.

“In Guanajuato we want our people to have a better quality of life, we want to eliminate poverty in Guanajuato, that is the reason why we promote and host events like the AluMexico Congress, for us it is fundamental, because jobs are created and there is an economic reactivation”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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New trends in the market

At the AluMexico Summit & Expo 2021 Congress, organizers present top level conferences on the new processing of aluminum, trends in the market, as well as opportunities and challenges for the upcoming years.

At the Expo in person and virtual visitors will find suppliers of technology, services, products and assistance in the aluminum industry.

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Creating value

“We want to praise the companies members of the Mexican Institute of Aluminum, that holds 90% of the jobs and of the creation of value in the aluminum sector”, said the Governor.

“Today, more than ever our country needs the effort and talent of entrepreneurs like you, to go on moving ahead”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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