In the State of Guanajuato, agave-derived beverages are produced on 50,000 hectares dedicated to production Event 'Del Agave a su Mesa' promotes t
In the State of Guanajuato, agave-derived beverages are produced on 50,000 hectares dedicated to production
Event ‘Del Agave a su Mesa’ promotes the spirits industry in San Miguel de Allende
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San Miguel de Allende/Gto News
Agave producers, mixologists, exporters and service providers learned and expanded their knowledge in the production of agave-derived beverages at the “Del Agave a su Mesa” event, in San Miguel de Allende.

The Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, through the Directorate of Tourist Products, supported this event -which adopted sustainable practices- that promotes the segment of distillates in Guanajuato and promotes them with the productive chain.
Tequila, mezcal, pulque, sotol, raicilla and bacanora, among other drinks, are born from the agave -mythical plant with amazing properties-.

In Guanajuato, the plant to prepare these drinks is produced on 50,000 hectares dedicated to the production of agave, positioning itself on the world map as one of the States with the highest agave production.

Last Friday, November 18, in the SOMA District, the value chain of the distillates segment met, as well as 8 national and international speakers, and public and private institutions and organizations, to learn about topics such as:
- “The growth of the industry and the challenges for the coming years”
- “Safety and care of the agave”
- “The importance of design and MKT in the tequila industry”
- “Alternative industries for agave”
- “Tequila and its opportunity in China”
- “The growth and opportunity of tequila in the United States market”
In addition, the dozens of people who attended this event learned about Mixology, the art of cocktails that today proposes terms and styles of conceptual, organic, artisanal and molecular drinks, among other trends. Attendees also enjoyed distillate pairing tastings, mezcal tastings, and spirits tastings, among others.

This year, the organizers of the event added the creation of the “Product-Agave System” that works as a channel between producers, suppliers, service providers, exporters, institutions and organizations of private and governmental society, with this, it seeks to position the “Tequila Designation of Origin” of Guanajuato and the collective improvement of each link in the production chain.
Guanajuato is one of the states that have Denomination of Origin -in San Felipe and San Luis de la Paz-.
The agave species in Guanajuato are:
- Mapisaga, Manso, Salmiana, Blue Agave, Americana, Espadin and Cenizo
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