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Actions yield results in December 2024 in Security

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Actions yield results in December 2024 in Security

The Secretary of Security and Peace reports 30,498 seizures and 634 prevention actions in December 2024, in that month 18,806 more arrests were made

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The Secretary of Security and Peace reports 30,498 seizures and 634 prevention actions in December 2024, in that month 18,806 more arrests were made in Guanajuato than in the same period in 2023

The Intelligence Commission participated in 50 presentations to the judge, 48 ​​arrests, and 1,397 seizures; among them the one at the Bullring in Guanajuato City

Guanajuato/Gto News

As a result of the implementation of the Operational Coordination of the New Anti-Crime Intelligence Force -CONFIA-, during December, the Secretary of Security and Peace carried out searches, apprehensions, seizure of firearms and drugs, air patrols, attention to extortion, as well as actions for the social prevention of violence and crime.

In that month members of the Undersecretary of Security carried out:

  • 30,498 seizures
  • 18,806 more than in the same month of 2023
  • Of the total, 248 were people
  • 26 vehicles
  • 60 motorcycles
  • 22 tractor-trailers
  • 7 dry boxes or platforms
  • 16 handguns
  • One large gun
  • Two homemade weapons
  • 208 cartridges
  • 24,649 doses of marijuana
  • 5,187 doses of crystal
  • 29 doses of cocaine
  • 5 doses of base stone

Elements of the State Security Forces located and secured a clandestine tap connected to a diesel pipeline in Abasolo. On the Irapuato-Abasolo highway they found a tanker truck and two tractor-trailers that were inside a parking lot and contained 20,200 liters of hydrocarbon. In the property they arrested three men in possession of the vehicles.

Twelve security operations were implemented to combat crime and simultaneously rebuild the trust of Guanajuatoenses in Authorities.

Operation Blindaje was implemented in Leon, Silao, Celaya, Salamanca, San Francisco del Rincon, Jerecuaro, Acambaro and San Miguel de Allende.

In the 46 municipalities there were intermunicipal operations, mobile patrols and searches of people; prison stays were also carried out, inspection points were established and surveillance was reinforced in shops, squares, historic centers and tourist areas of the Magical Towns, Leon and Salamanca.

As a result of actions carried out during extraordinary operations, the Undersecretary of Security carried out:

  • 46,913 inspections
  • 38,950 were of packages
  • 4,470 of people
  • 1,921 of vehicles
  • 352 of motorcycles
  • 944 of suitcases
  • 53 of buses
  • 223 of parcels

Elements of the Intelligence Commission made seizures, arrests and presentations to the judge, actions that yielded the recovery of a farm tractor; the arrest of one person and the seizure at the Bullring in Guanajuato City where drugs were presumably sold; as well as the seizure of two properties in Valle de Santiago for alleged violations of the Animal Health Law that affects public health.

Tornado aircraft carried out aerial patrols in coordination with the Undersecretary of Security at the start of the Queretaro Blindaje and Pueblos del Rincon Operations.

In Barranca de Venaderos, in Leon, the Cimarron joint operation was carried out, with the participation of Sedena, the National Guard and Public Security Forces of the State.

In applying the intelligence model to fight crime, the Anti-Extortion Squad has received 14 cases of extortion and protection pay by criminal organizations.

The Undersecretary of Prevention reported 634 actions, providing information to 39,516 people, in the 46 municipalities of the State, from December 1 to 19, 2024.

In all the municipalities of Guanajuato there were prevention actions and officials presented programs on gender equality, self-protection and self-care, prevention of human trafficking, social media, gender violence, violence in the school environment and peaceful conflict resolution.

With the aim of proposing recreational and sporting activities to discourage the use of weapons, 23 exchanges of war toys were carried out, serving 4,060 people.

With intelligence, coordination and proximity as its axes, the Secretary of Security and Peace faces the most pressing challenges in terms of security and implements actions that combat crime and simultaneously rebuild the trust of Guanajuatense families in Authorities.

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