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A life for education

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A life for education

Teacher stands out for her high level of commitment in her education work with students She strives to develop happy and critical thinking student

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Teacher stands out for her high level of commitment in her education work with students

She strives to develop happy and critical thinking students

San Luis de la Paz/Gto News

Azucena Espino Guerrero, a fourth grade teacher at the Vicente Guerrero elementary school, located in the urban zone of San Luis de La Paz, teaches to 33 students, with an emphasis on promoting fun activities that generate meaningful learning.


For teacher Azucena, the most important is that her students become happy adults with critical thinking, “I am motivated to improve children’s thoughts, so that they learn to enjoy this magnificent stage that is childhood, that they grow up happy, so that they are adults with the desire to do each of the jobs they dedicate themselves to”, said Azucena.

Azucena has been a teacher for 17 years and more than 500 students have gone through her classroom.

Teacher Dedication San Luis de La Paz Guanajuato 2

Elizabeth Prado Torres, mother of a fourth grade student at Vicente Guerrero elementary school, referred to teacher Azucena as an excellent teacher, “she is a dedicated teacher, she strives to sow in the minds and hearts of her students that love and passion for education, she is enthusiastic, kind, generous, responsible, empathic and very creative, I am sure that she manages to leave a mark on each of her students“.

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One of the priorities of the teacher is to promote the love and interest in reading, since this habit opens up the possibilities of acquiring greater knowledge, therefore, she generates the conditions to promote this action through playful activities.

Teacher Dedication San Luis de La Paz Guanajuato 4

“I am always looking for new and fun ways for children to read with pleasure, I start with the decoration of the classroom library, then I use my puppets at different times, such as reading aloud and improving intonation, I look for different materials so that they are motivated to read, like Panchita, a little hen that asks questions about the topics in readings, and according to the reading that we do, the questions are in its eggs that I represent with plastics, and they go on to take an egg and the question that arises must be answered”

Azucena Espino Guerrero
Fourth grade teacher in San Luis de La Paz

Teacher Azucena focuses on making education inclusion is perceived in her classroom and outside of it, through raising awareness with students and developing activities that allow her to provide an education that is accessible to students, regardless of their conditions, abilities and skills.

Azucena Espino Guerrero, a fourth grade teacher at the Vicente Guerrero elementary school, located in the urban zone of San Luis de La Paz 6

Teacher Azucena is convinced that teaching is lived and enjoyed, “the motivation and attitude to awaken learning is essential, therefore, I am not afraid to return to being a girl at the right time, I am not afraid to discover with my students, I am not afraid to propose, confront and resolve”.

Azucena Espino Guerrero, a fourth grade teacher at the Vicente Guerrero elementary school, located in the urban zone of San Luis de La Paz 7

Azucena sent a message to teachers, she said that “we must be a living example of doing things fully despite the circumstances, it is up to us to show our students that they can smile against adversity.”

Azucena Espino Guerrero, a fourth grade teacher at the Vicente Guerrero elementary school, located in the urban zone of San Luis de La Paz 8

The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato hails the work of committed teachers and notes the work of Azucena Espino Guerrero, who through her actions is improving the learning experience of children and adolescents.

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