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Attention to Guanajuatense women is improved

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Attention to Guanajuatense women is improved

In Connecting with People, the Governor reiterates, along with the Secretary of Women, “zero tolerance to violence against Guanajuatense women” Li

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In Connecting with People, the Governor reiterates, along with the Secretary of Women, “zero tolerance to violence against Guanajuatense women”

Libia Dennise called on young people in particular to prevent digital violence. “It is not a practice that should be tolerated, and it is a crime in Guanajuato”

Leon/Gto News

“The Secretary for Women represents a shift in vision, increasing attention to women. The message is very clear: zero tolerance for violence against girls, adolescents, and women, you are not alone”, said the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, during the broadcast of the program Connecting with People.

The Governor recalled that last Saturday, during her 1st Report address in San Diego de la Unión, she announced that she had presented to the State Congress an initiative to elevate the Guanajuato Women’s Institute to the new Secretary for Women.

She said the presentation of this initiative took place in the context of International Women’s Day; “This is a day for Guanajuato and Mexico that demonstrates this Administration’s total commitment to working for women.”

Libia said that a diagnose and reengineering process has already begun within the Women’s Institute to improve its level of care and make it more effective. “We don’t want women to experience violence, and if they do, they won’t face it alone. Here at the People’s Government, we are their allies, and we will be working with them, from this new Secretary, once the initiative is approved by Congress.”

The Director of the Women’s Institute, Itzel Balderas Hernandez, who accompanied the Governor on this broadcast of Connecting with People, said that this agency has expanded its activities in support of women since the start of this new administration, which coincides with the notification to Guanajuato of the Declaration of Alert for the Attention to Violence against Women, for 17 municipalities.

This process, said Libia, has forced this department to work on mainstreaming the gender perspective and the approach to women’s human rights at all three levels of government, which has required greater efforts to benefit women.

“We’ve had to expand our powers, as well as the measures to assist women when they experience violence. We’ve been taking on more responsibilities. At IMUG, we’re pleased that this department has been strengthened so it can become a Secretary and thus benefit women,” said Itzel Balderas Hernandez.

The Governor recalled that the day before this new administration began, the notification of the Alert Declaration for the Addressing of Violence against Women was received; and insisted that “our commitment was not to the Alert, our commitment is to the girls, adolescents, and women of Guanajuato.”

Balderas noted that prevention is another issue, such as the Zero Tolerance message being broadcast in the 17 municipalities by the State Government, and recognizing the representatives for their work in recognizing 17 types of violence in Guanajuato.

The Governor mentioned that the platform CEROVIOLENCIA.GUANAJUATO.GOB.MX is available. There, all the information on the cross-cutting work being done to ensure Guanajuato is free of violence against women will be available.

Libia Dennise insisted on the need to prevent digital violence, especially among young people, as it is a crime in our state. “It is not a practice that should be tolerated; it is violent toward women. Be more aware of what you are sharing, and do not share these images, because doing so is a crime,” warned the Governor.

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