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Obesity of Guanajuatenses is treated

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Obesity of Guanajuatenses is treated

SSG serves more than 5,000 obese people in health centers in Leon Leon/Gto News The State Health Secretary reports that according to the Chroni

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SSG serves more than 5,000 obese people in health centers in Leon

Leon/Gto News

The State Health Secretary reports that according to the Chronic Disease Information System (SIC), 5,848 people with obesity are currently being treated in the Health Centers of the city of Leon.

Only 19.2% of patients have adequate control of the disease thanks to the timely detection and intervention of personnel from Health Jurisdiction VII.

These figures highlight the importance of taking immediate actions to prevent and treat this health problem. The consequences of overweight and obesity are serious and affect various body systems.

Among the most common diseases associated with this condition are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases (such as heart disease and stroke), diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, respiratory problems, and gynecological complications such as irregular menstruation and infertility

To prevent overweight and obesity, it is essential to make lifestyle changes.

Some of the key actions to avoid overweight are:

  • Limit intake of fats and sugars, especially those from processed foods
  • Increase consumption of fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts
  • Perform regular physical activity: 60 minutes a day for young people and 150 minutes a week for adults
  • Avoid consuming sugary drinks such as soft drinks and processed juice

The Secretary of Health calls on the people of Leon and of all of Guanajuato to focus their attention on their health, going to their local health center to receive guidance on nutritional control and prevention.

Obesity and overweight are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the body that can be harmful to the health.

A person is considered overweight when their body mass index (BMI) is greater than 25, and obese when this index exceeds 30.

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