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INGUDIS helps make disabilities visible

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INGUDIS helps make disabilities visible

It is a reminder for the government, society and family to generate actions to achieve equality Director of INGUDIS calls on social sectors to con

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It is a reminder for the government, society and family to generate actions to achieve equality

Director of INGUDIS calls on social sectors to consolidate an Inclusive Guanajuato

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Leon/Gto News

On the International Day of Handicapped Persons, the head of INGUDIS Jose Grimaldo Colmenero established that this sector “is an increasingly leading player but it is necessary to continue working on the challenge of a full social inclusion”.


In a commemorative act in Leon, Grimaldo stressed that “there are very important challenges to be achieved, such as the one related to people with intellectual disabilities in educational and in labor matters”.

He said that, for example, regarding the role of their tutors or caregivers and their necessary inclusion in the law due to the importance of their valuable support, are aspects to be strengthened in the short term and that they are working on it.

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The person in charge of public policy on this matter in Guanajuato had a meeting with the community of the University Institute of Central Mexico to talk about disability. 

“It is not enough to have it, but rather, you have to know about disability”, and he stated that: “We have arrived, we are already visible and we are already protagonists of a society that is always changing.”

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4.6% of the population in Guanajuato has some type of disability, so in the State, after 10 years of public policy, “we are advancing as an inclusive society, with a transversal and concurrent policy between the State and Municipalities, in addition to the active participation of civil society; today more than ever the person with disabilities is at the center of public policy”.

The head of INGUDIS indicated that 2022 marks 10 years in the application of the Inclusion Law for People with Disabilities in Guanajuato, which establishes the bases for the full social inclusion of those who live in this condition, within a framework of equality, social development and a balance in opportunities in all areas of life.

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Grimaldo recalled that 4.6% of the population of Guanajuato have disabilities. He stated that one of the main achievements is that all disabilities have become visible in society and that today demands brotherhood.

“All disabilities are made visible and the concept of disability has been normalized; We have been removing paradigms from people with disabilities for 10 years. They now motivate and inspire and we want them to work, to study, to prepare, going beyond expectations, so that there is a leveled playing field for all people”, said Grimaldo.

The Official highlighted achievements made by INGUDIS over 10 years of promoting public policies for people with disabilities, such as:

  • Developing a model of rehabilitation
  • Habilitation and inclusión
  • Professional and humanistic care for people with disabilities in Guanajuato
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Before undergraduate and postgraduate students of UCEM, Grimaldo explained the task of each citizen to contribute to an inclusive society “and that it is about avoiding discrimination and promoting full social inclusion in the many sectors including education”.

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