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7th National World Heritage Congress 2023 is held

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7th National World Heritage Congress 2023 is held

The goal is to promote our heritage to society, university students, academics, government and business leaders Guanajuato has two UNESCO World He

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The goal is to promote our heritage to society, university students, academics, government and business leaders

Guanajuato has two UNESCO World Heritage cities: Guanajuato and Villas de San Miguel

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, inaugurated the 7th National World Heritage Congress 2023, a space for reflection and analysis of the Mexican World Heritage.


This Congress allowed Guanajuato to continue strengthening as a national and international reference, in fact it is the only one in Mexico that boasts two World Heritage cities: Guanajuato and adjacent mines (since 1988) and Villa de San Miguel and Sanctuary of Jesus Nazareno de Atotonilco (since 2008).

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“Our policy of bringing More Guanajuato to the World and bringing More World to Guanajuato, necessarily goes through activities such as those of this Congress. Because they expose our wealth to all of Mexico and to other countries,” said Governor Diego Sinhue.

The 7th National World Heritage Congress 2023 was held on July 6 and 7 in the city of Guanajuato, which this year celebrates 35 years since it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.

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The past 6 editions of this cultural and academic Congress were held in San Miguel de Allende.

The objective is to inform and disseminate elements that allow society, and university students, academics, government and business leaders, the revaluation and conservation of the Guanajuato, Mexican and international world heritage.

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As part of this congress, the “7 de Julio” Medal was awarded to world-renowned personalities whose professional careers benefit Mexico’s built and intangible heritage.

The medal symbolizes the historical memory of the mining of this land “Ruta de la Plata”. It is a jewel cast in silver with a gold bath where the face of Generalissimo Ignacio de Allende y Unzaga, the nation’s first soldier, is depicted.

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The medal was awarded to Alberto Gonzalez Pozo, architect member of the National System of Researchers -SNI- of Mexico CONACYT, member of the Academy of Arts of Mexico, received the National Architecture Award and he is the author of twelve books, columnist and editorial advisor for magazines architecture specialists.

The winner gave the inaugural conference on the cataloging of religious and civil monuments and buildings in San Miguel Allende.

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For Guanajuato, culture is very important, since, during 2022, it received more than 7 million visitors for cultural interest, (34% of visitors from the State), a segment that refers to the tangible part such as monuments, buildings, architecture , history; and intangible like music and gastronomy.

“I want this Congress to contribute to keeping Guanajuato at the forefront of tourism and culture. We want more tourists and visitors to come and live great stories”, said the Governor.

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