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40 years of Siemens Energy

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40 years of Siemens Energy

Siemens Energy Guanajuato is a world leader manufacturing the most modern transformers in the market Siemens is innovation and technology Sieme

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Siemens Energy Guanajuato is a world leader manufacturing the most modern transformers in the market

Siemens Innovation Guanajuato 2
Siemens is innovation and technology

Siemens has innovation in its DNA, it is a world power in the value chain in electrification

Guanajuato/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo was at the celebration ceremony of Siemens Energy Guanajuato and he recognized the role of this company for the industrial modernization of Guanajuato and for being to the vanguard in electric energy systems.


A world leader

Siemens Energy is one of the companies of power technology that is a world leader in manufacturing Power and Distribution Transformers.

“In Guanajuato we are really proud of having Siemens Energy in our territory. It is a company that has innovation in its DNA, because it is a world power in electrification, from the generation of power, transmision and distribution, to the solution in intelligent networks and the efficient application of power”, said the Governor.

Siemens Innovation Guanajuato 3
40 years of Siemens Energy

The Sensformer

This 40th anniversary, said the Governor, is a watershed in the world electric industry, and it is proof that there is human talent at Siemens Energy Guanajuato with ideas and innovation to bring the future of energy to the world with products like the “Digital Transformers Sensformers”, made in Mexico and connected to the cloud to keep up to date global information and communication.

The Government of Guanajuato has an Alliance with this company to continue with the industrial modernization of the State with experience in technology and innovation to go on building a sustainable future for all.


“I am inviting you to go on working as a team to take Guanajuato to the next level in its industrial development. Companies like yours make of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico”

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Siemens Innovation Guanajuato 4
There is talent at Siemens Energy Guanajuato

Impact in the whole world

“These transformers are an integral part of the digital future in the world. Innovation is essential in this energetic transformation. In Mexico we opened  the first Office of Innovation in Latin America, and we are already working with different universities and institutes of technologic development. We started an internal process in our organization so that Siemens collaborators in Mexico present ideas and if they are accepted, they are reflected in the impact they may have in the world”, said Jose Aparicio, the Executive Director and President of Siemens Energy Mexico, Central America and The Caribbean.

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