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You can trust in this General Attorney

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You can trust in this General Attorney

Documents of the Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- declare that the General Attorney of Guanajuato does not have any negative reports or opinion

Governor recognizes strength of the Attorney Office
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Documents of the Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- declare that the General Attorney of Guanajuato does not have any negative reports or opinions

According to information obtained and revealed by the @GuacamayaLeaks, Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre “is clean”

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Leon/Gto News

Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre, the General Attorney of Guanajuato is a trustworthy official, he has no negative history, and he has the support of the military authorities and “Up to this date there is no information that has him related with members of organized criminals or with any ilegal activity”, declares one of the information files of the Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA-.

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The report is known after the “hacking” by the group @GuacamayaLeaks to the information base of SEDENA and it contradicts the declarations of the president of Mexico, who has incessantly accused the Attorney of Guanajuato of being a factor that produces violence and insecurity in the State.

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The Attorney has been part of security agencies of Guanajuato for 28 years now, something that is used by the president of Mexico to discredit the Guanajuatense Official.

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Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre has a Law Degree by the La Salle Leon and he has many degrees, awards and certifications by universities and security agencies both in Mexico and abroad.

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In another file about the Attorney of Guanajuato Zamarripa is considered to be related with the former Justice Attorney General of Guanajuato, Federico Chowell Arenas and with the former Governor Juan Manuel Oliva and he is not registered as with any link to any organization, according to the file of SEDENA obtained by @GuacamayaLeaks.

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After repeated attacks and expressed calls by the president of Mexico for Zamarripa Aguirre to be dismissed from his post as General Attorney of Guanajuato, the support to the Guanajuatense Attorney comes from an unlikely source, the military organism in charge of watching for security of Mexico, SEDENA.

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