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Working to have competitive tourism destinations

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Working to have competitive tourism destinations

The SECTUR will continue with the visits to the 17 remaining municipalities and will attend the sector of the entire State to achieve the strengtheni

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The SECTUR will continue with the visits to the 17 remaining municipalities and will attend the sector of the entire State to achieve the strengthening of a sustainable tourist economy of Guanajuato

Activities and elements are identified that can become turism attractions

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Celaya/Gto News

The Guanajuato Secretary of Tourism and the State municipalities continue to align strategies to offer competitive destinations, creating new innovative and attractive products, and understanding the needs of travelers.


From June 2022 to July 2023, Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato and the management team of SECTUR has made a work tour of 29 municipalities and has met with the mayors of each City Hall and with tourism service providers from the hotel and restaurant sector, presidents of associations, tour operators, among others, in order to jointly carry out an evaluation analysis of tourism potential.

Tourism Strengthening Municipalities Guanajuato 3

During May, June and July of this year, a work tour was carried out through:

  • Silao, Romita, Celaya, Cortazar, Comonfort and Guanajuato Capital
Tourism Strengthening Municipalities Guanajuato 4

These municipalities are added to the list of those already visited:

  • Purisima del Rincon, San Jose Iturbide, Xichu, San Felipe, Ocampo, Penjamo, San Francisco del Rincon, San Diego de la Union, San Luis de la Paz, Valle de Santiago, Moroleon, Jaral del Progreso, Yuriria, Tarandacuao, Acambaro, Victoria, Tierra Blanca, Jerecuaro, Coroneo, Abasolo, Manuel Doblado, Cueramaro and Apaseo El Grande

In all cases the “State Tourism Program 2021-2024” was presented.

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Tourism proposals have also been heard, attributes that give identity, sustainable practices in tourism activity, potential segments of each destination have been identified, and the sector has been sensitized on training and professionalization issues, all of this will be followed up to deepen a diagnosis of needs, competitive advantages and attributes, analysis that will lead to improved promotion of destinations.

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These work tours are “commissioned by Governor Diego Sinhue who, at the beginning of June 2022, presented the ‘Tourism Development, Competitiveness and Sustainability Program’ to the tourism industry, given a scenario caused by the Covid 19 pandemic and a timely response to the new reality,” said the Secretary of Tourism.  

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