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Working for a full respect to human rights

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Working for a full respect to human rights

The program Connecting with People of the Governor of Guanajuato presented Liz Esparza, head of the State Human Rights Secretary The first Human R

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The program Connecting with People of the Governor of Guanajuato presented Liz Esparza, head of the State Human Rights Secretary

The first Human Rights Forum will be held in Guanajuato, with keynote lectures, panels and dialogue on attention to priority groups

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Government of the People reaffirms its commitment to promote, protect and guarantee the human rights of all, said Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz during the broadcast of the program Connecting with the People, which this time had the participation of Liz Esparza, head of the Secretary of Human Rights of the State of Guanajuato.

“The vision of creating this new Secretary was for it to be the governing body of the Human Rights policy, because when we talk about Human Rights, we are not just talking about a secretary, we are talking about an entire public administration that has to be the guarantor of the human rights of all people,” said Libia Dennise.

Guanajuato is an example in Mexico as it has the first Human Rights Secretary in the country.

This recently created agency is made up of:

  • The Undersecretary for Attention to People with Disabilities
  • The Undersecretary for Attention to People with Sexual and Gender Diversity
  • The Undersecretary for Attention to Migrants and their Families in the State of Guanajuato
  • The Undersecretary for Attention to the Indigenous and Afro-descendant Population in Guanajuato

“Today, from here, I send you all my love and all my commitment to work for the full recognition of your rights. This is something we are fully convinced of, and our undersecretaries are also doing a great job, listening, paying attention, and making these diagnoses to know in which areas we need to make progress,” said the Governor.

Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo clarified that the programs to assist migrants such as Mineros de Plata, the assistance to the Migrant Caravan and the assistance for people of Guanajuato and their families in the United States continue, now as part of this new Secretary.

The Governor took the opportunity to invite people to follow the First Human Rights Forum in Guanajuato on TV Cuatro and the Government of the People’s social networks on Wednesday, December 18 at 12:00 noon.

At this Forum, Nashieli Ramirez Hernandez, President of the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City, will give a keynote lecture addressing the challenges of public policy to guarantee human rights.

Nashieli has more than 40 years of experience in promoting and defending human rights. She is also a Specialist in Education Research and Teaching from the National Autonomous University of Mexico -UNAM-.

Public servants from the State Government, municipal governments and representatives of civil society organizations will take part in the Forum.

En Español: