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Women move the economy in Guanajuato

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Women move the economy in Guanajuato

SDES promotes the 1st Virtual Entrepreneurial Forum AMEXME Their goal is to work together to strengthen the economic activity in Guanajuato and ge

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SDES promotes the 1st Virtual Entrepreneurial Forum AMEXME

Their goal is to work together to strengthen the economic activity in Guanajuato and generate new jobs

Irapuato/Gto News

In order to show how women contribute directly to the economy, through the generation of jobs and other sources of development and growth of companies, the Under Secretary for Development of MiPyMes, Froylan Salas Navarro, was present at the opening of the First Virtual Entrepreneurial Forum AMEXME, “The New Vision of Entrepreneurial Women: Entrepreneurial Re-Ingeneering”.


Women from Guanajuato

Through a virtual message, the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, hailed the entrepreneurial women who are part of the 8 Chapters of the Region of the State of Guanajuato: Irapuato, Leon, Celaya, Salamanca, Silao, Romita, the zone of Moroleon, Uriangato and Yuriria; Guanajuato City and finally the towns at the Western North Corner: San Francisco del Rincon, Purisima del Rincon and Manuel Doblado, because even amid the pandemic crisis the women from Guanajuato don’t stop.

Women from Guanajuato 2
SDES helps entrepreneur women in Guanajuato, said Froylan Salas Navarro

Innovation and effort

Froylan Salas Navarro, the Under Secretary for Development of MiPyMes of SDES, said that “We will always find in women the concept of innovation, their effort to trascend, to support our economic activities, to keep creating, and that is why it is fundamental to share in this forum where we want to go in this new pandemic era”.

This first virtual entrepreneurial forum AMEXME, in its Chapter Guanajuato, occurs in a “hybrid” way, with masterful conferences, networking, walkways (business & Fashion) in order to reactivate economic, productive, technological and tourist activities in Guanajuato.

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For the families of Guanajuato

The Government of the State through the Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development confirms its commitment to keep working with women from Guanajuato, generating an ecosystem that promotes growth, protection of jobs, companies and the well being of families from Guanajuato.

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