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<strong>Women in the Industry of the Future are trained</strong>

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Women in the Industry of the Future are trained

The 4th Industrial Revolution takes Guanajuato directly to Mindfacture, and that needs qualified personnel and women are already being trained Da

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The 4th Industrial Revolution takes Guanajuato directly to Mindfacture, and that needs qualified personnel and women are already being trained

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Silao de la Victoria/Gto News

In order to strengthen the skills and competencies in 3D Design of professional women in the manufacturing sector, as well as students and graduates of mechatronic engineering careers, automotive and aerospace mechanics in Guanajuato, IDEA GTO and the Industry of the Future Alliance began the strategic activities of the Women in the Industry of the Future Initiative.


The course “Fundamentals of 3D Mechanical Design in CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE®” began, as a result of a call for women, being an opportunity to train and be more competitive. 

There were 237 women registered in Mexico, more than 110 were Guanajuatenses, 68% engineering students and 32% are professionals. 20 scholarships were awarded through the IDEA GTO Alliance and Industry of the Future.

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Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO, stressed that more people are needed to be involved in shared learning, as this encourages collaboration to solve problems.

“This alliance and these activities are the integration and collective work of two public policies, The Alliance for the Future, from France and El Valle de la Mentefactura, from Guanajuato, which unites us in a transcendent work for the inclusion of women in the industry,” said Reus.

Clases master

Alfred Rodriguez, Ambassador in Mexico of the Industria del Futuro alliance, stressed that the CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE platform is a world leader in design, used by Boeing and Airbus in the aeronautical sector, in the automotive sector 90% of manufacturers and global automotive brands use it, including Tesla.

Starting with this course responds to the need to educate and train the new human resources that the industry requires, given the worldwide deficit of qualified labor in 3D design and production.

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“The initiative of Mindfacture deserves recognition, since it joins the strategy of many countries in the world, France in particular, which organized themselves to face the great challenges generated by the great technological changes, so for Guanajuato, which went from Agriculture to Manufacture, it is natural that the next step is Mindfacture”, said Rodriguez.

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“According to UNESCO, in 2018 women represented 33% of the researchers in the world, currently in engineering they have a 28% participation and in computing 40%, they only represent 22% of the professionals who work in fields of Artificial Intelligence, however, in these fields is where the great transformations of the 4th industrial revolution are faced and where there is a capacity deficit”, said Xochitl Vera Ortiz, General Director of MXIT Global.

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“The role that women play in the industry of the future gives me great motivation because today we are growing and companies are realizing that women have the ability to contribute to any type of activity”, said Viridiana Burciaga Loya, Participant 2022 of Women in the Industry of the Future.

This alliance and the activities it includes, place Guanajuato on the path towards competitiveness and inclusion, causing in our State a living ecosystem in which women have opportunities to develop professionally and personally, thus, the Valley of the Mindfacture is strengthened.

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