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WHO analyzing monkeypox outbreak

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WHO analyzing monkeypox outbreak

As monkeypox cases continue to rise globally, the World Health Organization plans to reassess whether the outbreak constitutes a public health emerge

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As monkeypox cases continue to rise globally, the World Health Organization plans to reassess whether the outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, reported CNN. In late June, WHO’s Emergency Committee determined that the outbreak did not meet the criteria for such a declaration. But as the virus continues to spread, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wants the committee to take up the issue again, Tedros said that he will convene the committee after July 18, or sooner if needed. WHO defines a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC, as “an extraordinary event” that constitutes a “public health risk to other States” and that may “potentially require a coordinated international response”, said Tedros. “On monkeypox, I continue to be concerned by the scale and spread of the virus. Across the world, there has now been more than 6,000 cases recorded in 58 countries,” Tedros said, reported CNN.

“Testing remains a challenge, and it’s highly probable that there are a significant number of cases not being picked up,” he added. “Europe is the current epicenter of the outbreak, recording more than 80% of cases globally.” Monkeypox, a viral disease, occurs mostly in central and western Africa, where the virus is endemic, but as part of the latest outbreak, the virus has spread to many regions of the world where it is not typically seen. Cases are also being reported in African countries that previously were not affected by the virus, and in those places where the virus is endemic, record numbers are being recorded, Tedros said. WHO is working with countries and vaccine manufacturers to coordinate sharing of vaccines for monkeypox, which are scarce.


Watch against contagion

In the last 24 hours 1,738 new cases of contagion and 1 deaths caused by Covid 19 were reported by State and Health Authorities. Contagion is being watched in Guanajuato and cases of contagion reported are over 1,700 in the last 24 hours, while there was 1 death reported. Authorities maintain the color of activities in the GREEN easing restrictions on activities, both leisure and work.

State Health Authorities insist that Guanajuato should maintain health protection.

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