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We work together for Apaseo El Grande: Libia

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We work together for Apaseo El Grande: Libia

The well-being of Guanajuato is a task of teamwork by the State and Municipalities The Governor delivers support to productive sectors of the Muni

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The well-being of Guanajuato is a task of teamwork by the State and Municipalities

The Governor delivers support to productive sectors of the Municipality

Apaseo El Grande/Gto News

“We already have a commitment that we are going to work hand in hand, we are going together so that our people do well,” said the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, to Apaseo merchants and entrepreneurs.

In support of the Municipality’s economy, the State Governor, through the Secretary of Economy, delivered more than 350 thousand pesos in support to the My Store at 100 Program, and 22 merchants were given equipment and training for the effective management of their establishments.

The Governor of Guanajuato reaffirmed her commitment to women and mentioned that support for businesses to improve the quality of life of families will be ready when they request it.

“As in every event we attend in the municipalities, us women are always the majority, because we are the ones who raise our hands to commit ourselves to the communities, we are the ones who manage,” said Libia.

The State Governor shared that with the financial institution Tu Puedes Guanajuato, there is a commitment to create a more inclusive and competitive economy in the State. “We created this financial institution with you in mind. First, for those who need it most and do not have the money to start it up,” said Libia.

The local City Council, led by Mayor, Jose Luis Oliveros Usabiaga, joined the initiative with the Mi Chambita Program , designed to provide equipment to local micro-businesses and thus reactivate the economy of local families.

The municipal grant also included 920 scholarships for students:

  • 523 for primary school
  • 210 for secondary school
  • 53 for high school
  • 73 for higher education
  • 61 for special education
  • Support for households, with 99 ecological stoves

Previously, with a firm commitment to engage in direct and close dialogue with municipal authorities, the Governor participated as a special guest in the 14th Extraordinary Session of the City Council.

In front of the different political forces that are members of the Council, the State Governor emphasized that her Government will work equitably with all the municipalities of Guanajuato.  

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