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We go on for the peace and calm of all: Governor

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We go on for the peace and calm of all: Governor

In Guanajuato, work is done to have strong Municipal Police Forces, which is why more than 1.2 billion pesos have been allocated for gear and trainin

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In Guanajuato, work is done to have strong Municipal Police Forces, which is why more than 1.2 billion pesos have been allocated for gear and training in this six-year term: Governor 

The Governor presides over the ceremony for 39 graduates of the Metropolitan Academy of Leon

Leon/Gto News

“United we will continue to advance for the peace and calm of all Guanajuateses”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, as he led the Graduation Ceremony of Cadets of the 57th and 58th generations of the Metropolitan Academy of León.

“Our congratulations to the 39 graduates, of which 24 are women and 15 are men. I am very pleased that in these two generations, women are the majority,” said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo noted that the Metropolitan Academy of Public Security of Leon is an example in Mexico for its comprehensive and excellent training.

It has been 12 months of study, and they continue to prepare simultaneously “online” at the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato -UVEG-. Our congratulations go to the four female cadets who are pursuing university studies in criminology and citizen security, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo highlighted that in Guanajuato Authorities work to have “strong police forces, strong municipalities”, therefore, more than 1,200 million pesos have been allocated for gear and training during this Administration.

“Here in Leon, the municipal authorities have supported their security corporations very well”, noted the Governor.

“I invite you to be elements close to the people, that your presence generates trust and that your effort, added to citizen participation, improves calm and social peace,” said the Governor.

“In this task of guaranteeing peace and calm they have all of the support of the Government of Guanajuato. They are not alone. In Guanajuato we are very proud of our security forces”, the Governor pointed out.

In this ceremony, the training course of the Park Ranger Program also began, in accordance with the Call issued by the Municipality of Leon, for which 34 applicants registered in the first generation, 26 men and 11 women.