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We are One with the People: Libia

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We are One with the People: Libia

The Governor of the People announced the rehabilitation of the Historic Center of Penjamo, in its first stage Libia Dennise continues her First Go

Let’s do it!: Libia Dennise
Libia, first female Governor to present the Report
Libia announces the creation of the Secretary of Women

The Governor of the People announced the rehabilitation of the Historic Center of Penjamo, in its first stage

Libia Dennise continues her First Government Report Tour by regions, now from Penjamo

Penjamo/Gto News

The Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, announced the investment of 98 million pesos in social infrastructure works for the municipalities of the Southern Zone:

  • Penjamo, Manuel Doblado, Cueramaro, Abasolo, Pueblo Nuevo, Huanimaro, Valle de Santiago, Jaral del Progreso, Yuriria, Uriangato and Moroleon

“Today I am here to share with you the achievements of the Government of the People. Here in the beautiful southern part of our State, we continue with the information tour through Guanajuato, in our beloved Penjamo,” said the People’s Governor, before thousands of Guanajuatenses who attended the Ana Maria Gallaga Main Square, in Penjamo.

The Governor said that Penjamo is a land of hard-working men and women, who move forward, who do not give up and who give their hearts to their Municipality and their State. People of values, with deep roots and an unbreakable pride for their land.

“In every home in Penjamo, effort and determination are felt, because here no one gives up in the face of challenges. From the farmlands to the city, the people of Penjamo have shown that, with hard work, unity and conviction, it is possible to get ahead and make history,” said the Governor of the People.

Among the works to be carried out, the Governor highlighted the first stage of the rehabilitation of the Historic Center, led by municipal authorities.

“By 2025, we will have an investment for 722 million pesos throughout the State, destined for social infrastructure. Of that grand total, we will invest in this region, more than 98 million pesos in these municipalities of the Southern Zone,” said Libia Dennise.

The announced budget will be applied as follows:

  • Basic Infrastructure, which includes drinking water, drainage and electrification works, with an investment of more than 25 million pesos
  • Community Infrastructure, such as paving streets and rehabilitating public spaces, with more than 44 million pesos Nuevo Comienzo en Mi Hogar Program, for the improvement of homes
  • Mi Colonia a Color Program, which is the painting of facades
  • Cuartos Rosas Program

“Today I want to share with you everything we have achieved together, which makes it possible for us to say that ‘We are one with the people’. Here we make decisions with the people and for the people. This is a government that listens, responds and resolves, because only together can we build the future that we all deserve,” said Libia.

In a government, what is important is not who leads it, but what we are achieving together. Because here, the true driving force of this government is our people. What motivates us are people like you, who fight, who work, who dream, who smile, who every morning set out on the path to achieve your desires and hopes, said Libia Dennise.

The Governor said that this First Government Report includes a global investment of more than 27 billion pesos, applied in more than 375 thousand works and actions.

Libia noted important actions that have been carried out in these first months of the People’s Government, such as the renewal of the security and justice areas; and the presentation of the new Operational Coordination strategy of the New Anti-Crime Intelligence Force (CONFIA).

Libia Dennise noted that this is the first State Administration in Guanajuato that has a gender-balanced cabinet; in addition, the ALIADAS Strategy was created, which integrates 20 programs to benefit women, support to boost their economy and start a business, scholarships for their education, a health pass with 10 free medical services, action for pensions, food support, legal support, among many more.

One of these flagship programs of ALIADAS is the Pink Card, which today is also a fulfilled commitment.

The Governor noted the creation of the Financing and Support Agency “Tu Puedes Guanajuato”, which serves working people, granting them loans so they can get their family businesses off the ground: beauty salons, grocery stores, or small craft workshops.

They are also non-refundable grants for those who live in the most vulnerable areas in cities and in the rural zones, and who want to start their own small business.

In terms of education, there is the “Open the Door to Your Future” Program, which knocked on the doors of more than 15,000 homes to help students who dropped out of school go back to study.

Social assistance was provided to nearly 4,000 high school students living in remote areas so they could stay in school; and we supported the families’ finances of students by providing more than 916,000 backpacks, school supplies and sports uniforms.

In addition, this year the School Roofing Program was announced, which will reach all municipalities. “So that they have somewhere to go out for recess and physical education classes without being under the sun’s rays,” said the Governor.

During this administration, the State Institute of Culture was elevated to the level of a Secretary, to give it greater visibility and priority, since culture is a tool for social growth and peace.

The Governor noted that a few days ago “we started the Caravans With My Governor program. I am personally serving the citizens, and the government has come closer to the people, providing 6,778 procedures and services in communities throughout the State.”

Through the Mobile Health and Community Wellbeing Network, 387 groups were served, and workshops were offered in which civilians learned about nutrition, health, education and the care of family crops.

Libia said that during the new administration, that is, the last quarter of last year, investments for more than 2 billion dollars have been attracted to Guanajuato, with more than 4 thousand jobs committed that mean well-being and progress for the families of Guanajuato.

The Governor emphasized that in Guanajuato we take care of the health of our people. That is why our Health System is the best system in Mexico, which places us as pioneers in addressing the right of all people to receive quality and close medical care.

Libia said that the Secretary for Human Rights “was created to be the cross-cutting axis on which this administration makes clear our commitment to unrestricted respect for human dignity. In addition to serving people with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples and Communities and Afro-Mexicans, migrants and their families, and for the first time the program includes people of sexual and gender diversity”.

Libia Dennise said that water is a right and a priority. For this reason, a few days ago a historic agreement was signed with the President of Mexico, for more than 6.4 billion pesos, which will serve to improve irrigation in the fields and benefit more than 25 thousand producers in the region.

“The first point of our Decalogue says that we must not forget who we are here for. And today, like never before, we put people at the center. I come with my heart in my hand and the greatest commitment to be accountable to Guanajuatenses”, said the Governor.

“Today, we reaffirm that our State is a land of brave people, of dreamers, of people who do not give up, of hearts that beat strongly, of hands that work hard to move forward. Because we are one with the people! Long live Guanajuato! Long live the South!” said Governor Libia Dennise.

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