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Sale of fruits starts in Jalpa de Canovas

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Sale of fruits starts in Jalpa de Canovas

Merchants of traditional fruits in Jalpa de Canovas received support to have better sales conditions of quince, pomegranate and walnuts The Local

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Merchants of traditional fruits in Jalpa de Canovas received support to have better sales conditions of quince, pomegranate and walnuts

The Local Administration of Purisima del Rincon gave uniforms to the merchants in Jalpa de Canovas

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

Roberto Garcia Urbano, Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, started the traditional season of sale of quince, pomegranate and walnut, the traditional fruits of the Jalpa de Canovas area in Purisima del Rincon, Guanajuato.

Clases master

The Mayor handed to merchants a section if the Linear Park in Jalpa de Canovas Magic Town, as well as 7 shades and uniforms to merchants of the fruit who traditionally work in the entrance to the Magic Town.

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The merchants told Mayor Roberto Garcia that the lack of rain left pomegranates with less color, but they are very sweet, while the quince even if there was a lesser production, there are enough to produce the quince ate, while they are already selling large amounts of walnuts.

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Roberto Garcia Urbano said that Purisima del Rincon invested 24 thousand 950 pesos to set up the structures of the shades so that they benefit the merchants, there is a better looking place, it is a public work that can be used right away by merchants in the Linear Park, where each merchant is assigned a place of 3×3 meters to sell his or her products on one side of the Linear Park, on the other side there will be green landscaped areas and parking spaces for customers to stop to make their purchases and eat the products.

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“As City Administrators it is important to keep close to merchants, they add their effort to the economic activity, and we should recognize that we all depend on agriculture products”, said Garcia Urbano.

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“The tradition in Jalpa de Canovas of offering local products on sale, has helped this Magic Town to strengthen and attract visitors, that is why we offer merchants support so that they have a better place to do their trade and wearing a uniform that identifies them”, said the Mayor.

Merchants said that at first the new image seemed strange for them, but that now they understand that it is for their protection and integrity, now consumers arrive, they park and are safer, consumers and merchants; before, they said, customers would park on the side of the road risking an accident.

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