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Valley of Mindfacture recognized in Fab City Awards

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Valley of Mindfacture recognized in Fab City Awards

The Valley of Mindfacture was honored with the 2nd place worldwide in the Fab City Awards 2023 Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer e

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The Valley of Mindfacture was honored with the 2nd place worldwide in the Fab City Awards 2023

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Silao/Gto News

The public policy of the Valley of Mindfacture received 2nd place worldwide as an ecosystem and innovation and entrepreneurship in the  Fab City Awards,  an international competition organized by the Fab City Foundation that recognizes the best practices of cities, regions and nations belonging to the Fab City Network. 

Clases master

The goal of this prize is to recognize advances to achieve a more sustainable, regenerative and self-sufficient future through local production and global connections. This contest brought together the  52 cities, regions and countries recognized as Fab City in the world.  The jurors were from Brazil, Spain, China, Germany and France.

Fab City is an initiative founded by the Fab Foundation and the Center for Bits and Atoms at the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology  -MIT-.  Guanajuato from 2022 was named Fab Lab Region.

Fab City Region Mindfacture Guanajuato Awarded 3

The award recognizes the GTO Mind Valley for:

  • Demonstrating the strategies and collaborative model of technology-based innovation and entrepreneurship in Guanajuato through its “Valley of Mindfacture” ecosystem
  • Have a public policy based on Mindfacture as an enabler of innovative development, commercial and research projects, on which the development of the region is based 
  • The development of assets and articulated spaces in the Valley of Mindfacture to strategically develop new networks, promoting the exchange of skills and knowledge between local communities
  • And participating in the Fab City methodology by carrying out actions for the development of infrastructure and technologies for local production, facilitating new forms of learning, promoting the incubation of projects, orchestrating efforts between local communities, intervening with locally developed prototypes, application of strategies bi-regional and share knowledge with global networks
Fab City Region Mindfacture Guanajuato Awarded 4

Among the articulated elements are 14 Mindfacturing Nodes, 30 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Gymnasiums, 20 incubators and 4 Hub- i’s  (entrepreneur houses). These elements driven by linking events, such as the Day of the Mindfacture,  and investment actions such as  Capital Startup Capital  and the Mentefacturalo Fund.

Fab City Region Mindfacture Guanajuato Awarded 5

What was evaluated:

  • The articulation of initiatives that promote the sustainability of the regions
  • Inclusive and participatory perspective, in which society benefits from open innovation dynamics
  • The effort to recover local resources while there is an exchange of knowledge with the global network

What is a Fab City/Fab Region?

Worldwide, there are 52 cities, regions and countries that make up the Fab City Network. Members exchange knowledge, participate in research and networking events.

Mexico has four Fab City territories:

  • Mexico City, Yucatan, Puebla and Guanajuato
Fab City Region Mindfacture Guanajuato Awarded 6

Awarded in the Fab City Awards 2023:

1st prize

  • Food and Nutrition Security –Urban Agriculture and Social Development-Curitiba, Brazil-

2nd prize

  • The Valley of Mindfacture -Guanajuato-

3rd prize

  • Distributed manufacturing of a neighborhood bank -Quebec, Canada-


The Valley of Mindfacture is one of the first to be recognized in the category of region, a recognition received in Bali, Indonesia.

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