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Vacations move Purisima’s economy

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Vacations move Purisima’s economy

Money was spent as foreign and local tourists and visitors came to Purisima The total spending for the vacation period is registered at 28.7 MP

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Money was spent as foreign and local tourists and visitors came to Purisima

The total spending for the vacation period is registered at 28.7 MP

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

During the Holy Week season there was a spending for 28.7 million pesos that benefitted families and trade in Purisima del Rincon.


Mayor of Purisima Roberto Garcia Urbano informed that this is a greater amount than the total registered last year when the amount spendt in this season in 2022 was for 20 MP, while in 2023 it was for a total 0f 28 million 710 thousand pesos.

This spending is good for the economic activity, it increases the cash flow and promotes the recovery and benefits the economy of the families in Purisima del Rincon.

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Visirtors and tourists in Purisima during the two weeks of vacation, and even on previous days came from:

  • Mexico City, Queretaro, San Francisco del Rincon, Leon, Silao, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan and Ciudad Manuel Doblado, places near or within Guanajuato
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While the tourists or visitors from the US, came from:

  • Houston, Texas; Reno and Arizona, among other

Roberto Garcia Urbano said that in the comercial activity the local solicitors were preferred, both in premises, and ambulatory, there were 180 sold commercial permissions.

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Of the total of commercial permits granted, 95% were for locals, among them 20 people were in the activity for the first time, and there were 30 sellers coming from places like San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Veracruz, Estado de Mexico and Monterrey, who said that when they knew about the La Judea event they decided to come to the city.

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On hotel occupnacy it was on the 84.78 per cent, marking a good season for the holidays, a number that, if not enough, it revealed that there is a constant activity in the Municipality.

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