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UVEG is part of professionalization of police corps

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UVEG is part of professionalization of police corps

UVEG and the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System sign an agreement to promote academic development and professionalization projec

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UVEG and the Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System sign an agreement to promote academic development and professionalization projects in police institutions

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Leon/Gto News

The Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System and the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato –UVEG-, signed an institutional collaboration agreement, through which academic development and professionalization projects of the police career will be promoted, to strengthen public security institutions.

Clases master

Sophia Huett Lopez, Executive Secretary of the State Public Security System, and Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, rector of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato, signed the agreement with which programs will be jointly developed to increase the academic level of municipal police officers.

UVEG Security Corps Formation Guanajuato

The Secretaries of Security and representatives of the security areas of 22 municipalities were present as witnesses at the signing of the agreement, as well as the citizens who are members of the State Council for Public Security, Martha Leticia Venegas Ramirez, Luis Gerardo González García and César Raymundo Gómez García.

During the signing of the agreement, the head of the Executive Secretary of the State Security System, presented the results of the survey on the academic level in police institutions 2023, among which Huett noted that 55.8 percent of the members of police corporations have a high school level, 29.7 percent a secondary school, 13.6 a bachelor’s degree, and only 0.9 with a postgraduate degree.

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The same study shows that 94.9 percent of the municipal police officers, are interested in continuing with their academic preparation, or taking a diploma focused on their police career.

A basic point, explained Huett, and on which they will work in the coming months is to expand knowledge in the National Registry of Competence Standards and that these are certified, as something fundamental in the institutions.

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From the signing of the agreement, highlighted the Secretary, they will start with subjects necessary for police institutions and that allow them to generate a broader knowledge, with courses such as:

  • Cyber-crime and computer forensics; ethics and integrity in police institutions, security and citizenship, applied use of the intelligence cycle in the police function, artificial intelligence and comprehensive security, fundamental concepts of criminology, and updating of the police function in the accusatory penal system and its effectiveness in the first acts of investigation, all in virtual modality
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“It has been an instruction of the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, to support the police institutions, through the application of almost one billion pesos of totally State resources, that go directly to the municipal corporations; The Governor is clear that his first obligation is the security of the citizenry in the 46 municipalities and that the 46 police institutions require permanent and constant support in training and equipment,” said Huett.

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Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, stressed that UVEG will be the only virtual university that will handle security issues in México, and that it will also offer options for its programs and study plans for police officers, whether they require studying a baccalaureate, a master’s or a doctorate, or updating diplomas in different topics related to artificial intelligence, data analysis, effective communication, stress management and coaching, for the development of communication and leadership skills, as well as cybersecurity and the language center as great opportunities.

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