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UVEG celebrates 2,911 graduates

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UVEG celebrates 2,911 graduates

Graduates of the period that successfully finished in September 2024 completed their studies In an effort that transcends borders UVEG celebrates

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Graduates of the period that successfully finished in September 2024 completed their studies

In an effort that transcends borders UVEG celebrates 2,911 graduates

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato -UVEG- proudly celebrated the graduation of 2,911 students that finished their education program in September in a ceremony that stood out for its emotion and recognition of effort.

More than 500 graduates, from different parts of Mexico and the world, gathered at the Guanajuato State Auditorium to close a stage that meant sacrifice, tenacity and great opportunities to come.

Among the graduates, there are 20 international students from countries such as:

  • Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, China and Spain, reaffirming UVEG’s global reach

Claudia Paredes Hernandez, a graduate of the Bachelor of Human Behavior Sciences, said:
“This achievement is not only the fruit of our hours of study, but also of our commitment and the support of those who always believed in us. Let us go on with the same passion and dedication, because the future we dream of is within our reach.”

The UVEG Rector, Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, celebrated the stories of success behind each graduate, with a special emphasis on female participation, which represented 54% of the graduates, or 1,577 women:
“Today is a day to remember; we celebrate the ability to humanize and the tenacity of each one of you. Our commitment as the Government of the People is to be close, as requested by our Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, the first woman to govern our State. She sends you congratulations and is proud that more and more women in Guanajuato, Mexico and the world have the opportunity to study. I also thank the families for trusting the university and supporting this effort.”

Aldelmo Israel Reyes Pablo, noted: “Today I feel proud to be part of this university, which for 17 years has broken paradigms and has shown that education has no borders. You are proof that you can build your own future.”

The ceremony concluded with the inauguration led by Aldelmo Reyes Pablo, representing the Governor, officially marking the beginning of a new stage for graduates of Bachelor’s, Engineering, Master’s and Doctorate degrees.

This event not only closes an important chapter in your lives, but opens a horizon full of possibilities. Rector of the UVEG expressed his congratulations to all UVEG graduates.

En Español: