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UVEG attends the 4th Mexico-China Rectors Forum

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UVEG attends the 4th Mexico-China Rectors Forum

Officials of this virtual university are forming new links and relations with other Universities and private firms UVEG presents agreement with th

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Officials of this virtual university are forming new links and relations with other Universities and private firms

UVEG presents agreement with the Beijing Foreign Studies University

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

In the 4th Forum of Rectors of Mexico–China, Ricardo Narvaez, head of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato –UVEG- and the head of the internationalization area, were part of a delegation of academics and administrators on a work trip to the People’s Republic of China to explore opportunities for academic and technological collaboration between both nations.


Informe Purísima del rincon 2

As part of the program of activities, the head of the UVEG gave a presentation on the topic of Strategies for the digitalization of higher education, sharing a forum with Fan Xianrui, Vice President of the National Open University of China.

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During this recent visit to Beijing, the possibility of establishing collaborative ties with this leading institution in China was evaluated. The meeting not only served to strengthen the relationship between Mexico and China, but also revealed Beijing University’s deep interest in Latin American literature and culture. 

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The Foreign Language Center of Beijing University has translated into Chinese outstanding literary works by Latin American authors such as Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a gesture that highlights the importance of promoting literature and cultural diversity in the heart of China .

The UVEG continues to promote bilateral cooperation that promises to be an important opportunity of exchange between both institutions. 

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During the visit to China, Narvaez and the Mexican delegation also had the opportunity to explore the technological field. The Xiaomi company, considered the third most relevant brand in Mexico. 

UVEG was able to see first-hand the technological portals, the Internet of Things processes and the development laboratories of this corporation. 

Xiaomi stands out for its commitment to the community by offering internship programs and hiring Latin American talent, as well as its active participation in social responsibility projects.

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One of the most anticipated moments of this work trip was the management of an important signing of agreement with the Beijing Foreign Studies University. These efforts will open the doors to opportunities for international certifications and an enriching experience as it specializes in international studies and foreign languages. 

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As part of the next steps of collaboration, the launch of new cloud technology agreements for the UVEG community is analyzed, thus strengthening the technological and educational capacity of the institution and promoting an exchange of knowledge and experiences with Chinese universities.

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