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UVEG and Guanajuato bring opportunity to study

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UVEG and Guanajuato bring opportunity to study

UVEG and the Municipality of Guanajuato sign agreement. Both agree to work together for the benefit of society of Guanajuato UVEG provides more st

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UVEG and the Municipality of Guanajuato sign agreement. Both agree to work together for the benefit of society of Guanajuato

UVEG provides more study opportunities for residents of the capital

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The signing of the agreement between UVEG Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato and the Municipality of Guanajuato was held in the State Capital. 

Clases master

The main objective is to provide the citizens of the Capital with greater study opportunities from the Educational Access Centers and the virtual classrooms of this university.

In the signing protocol were City authorities and of the virtual education institute.

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This agreement formalizes the collaboration between UVEG and the municipality of Guanajuato in order to install and operate municipal Educational Access Centers for the promotion and delivery of formal educational programs; continuing education and extension services. 

These spaces do not imply any cost for citizens and they have computer equipment and internet that allow access to the UVEG virtual campus.

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“Education is for life. What we studied a few years ago could be obsolete today, so we must continue preparing ourselves, nowadays it is not enough to know about a single subject, but we can update ourselves even more when artificial intelligence is on the doorstep. Every time I meet people who studied high school, a career and even languages ​​at UVEG and express how much their lives have changed since then, I endorse the commitment to continue on the path of education”, said Ricardo Narvaez, Rector of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato.

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Municipal authorities and of UVEG met in the Presidents room of the City Hall of Guanajuato City to celebrate this signing of an agreement that represents an important collaboration that will benefit women and men from the Capital who wish to continue their studies, whether at the Upper Middle Level, Superior and even continuous training regardless of their age, since UVEG’s virtual classrooms have the capacity to accommodate thousands of students.

“It is an important event for the municipality of Guanajuato. I don’t doubt that there are many students abroad, which is quite remarkable. Without a doubt, this institution is going to a good port. We were commenting in a community about the possibility for young people to have study opportunities and the Rector himself joined saying: count on us, we have virtual classrooms we can add our programs for whatever is required”, said Eduardo Aboites, Secretary of the City Government of Guanajuato.

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One of the main advantages of UVEG is the flexibility of its virtual classrooms, since due to its online modality it allows its students to connect 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, a characteristic that was constantly recognized by the signatory authorities of this agreement.

Citizens are invited to keep an eye on the municipal portal, as well as the local Education Access Centers –CAEs- to be creditors of these benefits.

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