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UNO recognizes the work of UVEG

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UNO recognizes the work of UVEG

The virtual school of Guanajuato receives the international recognition for contributing to the development of Mexico The Guanajuatense institutio

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The virtual school of Guanajuato receives the international recognition for contributing to the development of Mexico

The Guanajuatense institution signed the Declaration of Entrepreneurship-Welcome by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization

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Purisima del Rincón/Gto News

The Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato -UVEG-, was specially invitated to participate in the “Signature of Entrepreneurship Declaration, Welcome by the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development” , in recognition of its outstanding work promoting social development , economic and university of the country, contributing significantly to the 2030 Agenda of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Clases master

This important invitation was issued by the Global Honor Entrepreneurship Society and Startup Mexico , an organization that works in collaboration with international organizations such as the UN, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization [ UNIDO ] and the Ban Ki Moon Foundation . to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship around the world and encourage those who work for social and sustainable well-being.

uveg Recgnized UNO Guanajuato

“We are an agent of transformation in the education of the country; the road has been long in these almost 15 years . It is a great satisfaction to see that we contribute to building the well-being and development of thousands of users of our virtual classrooms. Knowing that they give back to their State and country with actions that have a positive impact on their colleagues, communities and families , reaffirms our efforts and drives us to continue innovating”, said Guadalupe Valenzuela, Dean of UVEG.

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What is UVEG:

  • 15 years of UVEG
  • Hundreds of thousands of users
  • Works in 82 countries
  • The goals: That the students gets a job that guarantees a healthy life and quality education
  • Promoting sustained economic growth

The signing of this document marks an important international milestone for UVEG, which is positioned as one of the best in virtual modality in the country, as it recently received the distinction granted by the Great Culture to Innovate certification as the first and only public instance with distinction in degree Very outstanding , as well as the recognition of large certifying bodies such as the ANUIES -National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education- and the endorsement of the CIEES -Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education- for its evaluable Higher Education programs.

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  • UVEG reinforces its mission to offer quality educational programs , through an innovative and flexible model , supported by learning technologies , which has made it possible to facilitate the professional growth and personal development of hundreds of thousands of students, promoting them in their transformation as important agents of change.

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