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UNESCO and Guanajuato strengthen alliance


UNESCO and Guanajuato strengthen alliance

An agreement of collaboration is signed to promote education, science and cuture The alliance reinforces work for equitable, inclusive and qua

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An agreement of collaboration is signed to promote education, science and cuture

UNESCO Education Guanajuato 2

The alliance reinforces work for equitable, inclusive and quality education

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Irapuato/Gto News

Upon the signing of an agreement by the Government of the State of Guanajuato and UNESCO for the design and development of actions to promote the development of aducation, science and culture.

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Science and technology 4.0

In education this Alliance will work on sectors like learning, the causes of lagging behind and abandoning of school and a greater interest in science and technology 4.0.

The agreement of collaboration works to promote an equitable education, one that is inclusive and of great quality through the program “Education for World Citizenry”.

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Values, attitudes and behaviour

The goal of this program is to teach students about values, attitudes and behaviour that become the base of responsible world citizens with: creativity, innovation and commitment for peace, human rights and sustainable development.

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World Citizenry

UNESCO through this agreement brings students of all ages closer to any means of reflection on world challenges. The Education for World Citizenry aims to be a factor of transformation, promoting knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes that children and youngsters need so that they can contribute to a more inclusive, fair and peaceful world.


The challenges

Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza, the State Secretary of Education said that this collaboration with UNESCO is very timely, “we are interested in having a dialogue with the best so that together we can create a road map that presents directive ideas that would let us make a deep transformation of the culture of education. This alliance enables us to face the challenges of Guanajuato in education, science and culture, adopting innovation and intelligence in education.

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The agreement of collaboration will incude the following actions:

  • Promote the development of public policies that promote social inclusion, with a special attention on vulnerable groups
  • Promote programs of a culture of peace and prevention of violence as needed by the State of Guanajuato
  • Prefer an equitable, incusive and quality education in Guanajuato that makes it easy to provide learning opportunities through the program of UNESCO “Education for World Citizenry”
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  • Update the dual educative model, focused on the region of Guanajuato
  • Promote World Heritage cities and the State cultural heritage, as well as promote culture as an engine of the sustainable development
  • Identify and promote the creative and cultural industries of Guanajuato through the adoption of cultural indicators

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