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‘Tu Puedes Guanajuato’ aims to impact all the productive sector

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‘Tu Puedes Guanajuato’ aims to impact all the productive sector

The “Tu Puedes Guanajuato” Financial and Support Agency seeks to impact the local and regional economic development of all productive sectors in Guan

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The “Tu Puedes Guanajuato” Financial and Support Agency seeks to impact the local and regional economic development of all productive sectors in Guanajuato

Silao/Gto News

Municipalities are the basis for achieving an impact on the economic development of Guanajuato; therefore, it is important to strengthen the capacities to become the engine of competitiveness and economic growth in the country.

Ivon Padilla Hernandez, General Director of the Financing and Support Tu Puedes Guanajuato, met with mayors, councilors and economic development directors from several municipalities to talk to them about the importance for the government of the People to open new ways to reach more people from Guanajuato.

“I would like to thank the municipalities with which I have met, I want you to know that we are working for all citizens who need it and that we will be very close to you through these 46 offices in the municipalities,” said Padilla Hernandez.

Ivon recognized the challenges that each locality faces in the economy, but one advantage that “La Financiera de la Gente” has is that it is not limited to promoting a single sector, but within the vision of Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, is that no person is left without being able to realize their dream of starting or growing their business.

Marco Mauricio Estefania Torres, Mayor of Cortazar, said that among the financing offered by the People’s Government, there are very good projects that will improve the economy not only of the municipalities, but of Guanajuato.

The Mayor said that, in his municipality, the people of Cortazar have approached him to request support for entrepreneurship or to grow their businesses and, being located within the industrial corridor, they have the capacity for a project of this nature.

Liliana Flores Rodriguez, Councilwoman of the Irapuato City Council and President of the Finance, Heritage, Public Accounts Commission, the Public Health, Assistance and Social Development Commission said she is excited to learn about everything the State Government offers, especially with support and benefits focused on Guanajuatense women, and she described it as a great achievement.

“The responsibility that our governor, Libia Dennise, has with each of the women of Guanajuato is no doubt demonstrated here; with this, no one is left behind and it is of utmost importance that we, as members of the city council or as public servants, take this information to every corner of our municipality,” said Liliana.

Analy Ayala Mejia, Director of Economy and Tourism in San Francisco del Rincon said that this city is very commercial because it has a lot of industry, which is the main source of development for this town.

“This is a very focused strategy to reactivate the economy in our municipality. We know that as a result of the pandemic, the economy has not recovered 100 percent, not even as it was before. This is a strategy that the People’s Government and the Financiera Tu Puedes Guanajuato has to help us and reactivate the economy of our businesses and the industry of San Francisco del Rincon,” said Ayala.

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