Preschool teachers in Salvatierra encourage reading with the help of puppets and smiles Trapitos draws smiles and makes thousands of girls and boy
Preschool teachers in Salvatierra encourage reading with the help of puppets and smiles
Trapitos draws smiles and makes thousands of girls and boys happy
Salvatierra/Gto News
To encourage preschool girls and boys, the puppet group called ¨Trapitos¨ emerged. This initiative was born approximately eight years ago, promoted and coordinated by Martha Alicia Alcazar Moreno, head of preschool sector 10, in Salvatierra.

From this idea, a group was formed by preschool teachers, the members are:
- Jeanett Sanchez Carmona, Maria Guadalupe Ruiz Garcia, Maria Fernanda Lara Villagomez, Irma Calvillo Campos, Gabriel Coronado Mendoza, with the collaboration of Francisco Trinidad Duran Pena and Angel Francisco Duran Garcia

Each and every member of the group has a common objective; encouraging boys and girls to read, in addition, they explained that it is a didactic strategy for the stimulation of language and oral expression.
Members of the group also pointed out that puppets are a very valid alternative for dramatization and an excellent opportunity for the development of creative oral expression, they pointed out that there are students who are shy, but they can project their ideas and their interpretation of characters more easily through the use of puppets.

This group has made each of the puppets they use for each of their presentations, in addition to creating the sets and props required for the works they present.
Among the wide repertoire of works they present are:
- The Elegant Cat, The Magic of Food, Pablo and The Wolf, The Scarecrow, Ben and Holi, The Contagion of Responsibilities, among other

An important characteristic in each of the titles they represent is that it has a positive message for viewers, teaching them the importance of topics such as:
- Responsibility, the importance of healthy eating, managing emotions, and other

Among the activities that the “Trapitos” group carries out are reading workshops and making puppets with recycled material, in this activity they integrate mothers and fathers so they participate and interact with their daughters and sons and the school community.
In 2019, this group participated in the Human Rights contest, organized by the CNDH in Mexico City; they won second place in Mexico, and they also participated in the International Book Fair, held in Guadalajara.

There are countless participations that they have had in schools, since they mention that there are many invitations that they have received and each one of them has attended.
In Guanajuato there are teachers committed to the education of Guanajuato children, providing tools and carrying out actions that promote better academic development in students.