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Transport Logistics grows in Guanajuato

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Transport Logistics grows in Guanajuato

An opportunity for companies in the Automotive Sector of Guanajuato that contribute to achieve objectives of optimization of logistics costs, shippin

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An opportunity for companies in the Automotive Sector of Guanajuato that contribute to achieve objectives of optimization of logistics costs, shipping times and handling of cargo

Synergy is promoted by Institutions in Guanajuato to improve and increase exports

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Silao/Gto News

The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade -COFOCE-, GTO Puerto Interior and Cluster Automotriz de Guanajuato -CLAUGTO- launched an opportunity for companies that are part of the Automotive Industry of Guanajuato can access the Collaborative Logistics program. 


The collaborative logistics project is created so that companies in the automotive sector work together to obtain improvements in their supply chains and form alliances or strategies with freight forwarders for consolidated shipments to the United States and elsewhere in the world.

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With this project, the institutiions are working to provide various benefits to automotive companies, aimed at people who make decisions on logistics in organizations and for the Guanajuato institutions to serve as a facilitator in logistics issues with various strategic allies. 

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“We have considered the need to start generating more synergies and collaboration between companies, connecting common problems and needs in the automotive industry to generate solutions. That is why from GTO Puerto Interior, CLAUGTO and COFOCE we have adopted the task of generating this Collaborative Logistics project to respond to the need to innovate to improve”, said Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, General Director of COFOCE .

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In the event, a presentation was made by Arturo Martinez Rocha, Coordinator of COFOCE Competitiveness Support Projects to inform the objectives and benefits of the program.

To promote this project, they presented the benefits provided by strategic allies, such as Blue5PL , for automotive companies interested in being part of this logistics project. 

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If you are interested in knowing about opportunities to reduce your logistics costs or want to be part of this collaborative logistics project, contact COFOCE! at:

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