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Training the work-force of Guanajuato

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Training the work-force of Guanajuato

More than 10 thousand workers have been trained to make it easier for them to go into better jobs and opportunities SDES has the best strategies t

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More than 10 thousand workers have been trained to make it easier for them to go into better jobs and opportunities

SDES has the best strategies to provide better opportunities, income of families and guarantee a dignified job in Guanajuato

Leon/Gto News

During 2020, the Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development -SDES- through the Vice Secretary of Employment and Workforce Training, has trained more than 10 thousand Guanajuatense workers in different profiles in order to promote the productive sector and the work force in Guanajuato.


More professional

Mauricio Usabiaga Diaz Barriga, the Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development said that in this administration of Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, one of the priorities is to develop and make Guanajuatenses more professional and that is how in 2020 we achieved  positive results as job availability increased; as well as strengthening knowledge and abilities of active personnel to make the work force more professional.

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Training brings good results for workers and companies

All the municipalities are supported

The more than 10 thousand people that were trained are in the 46 municipalities of Guanajuato.

The training ocurred in the company’s premises or at institutions of work force formation that help develop labor skills and abilities on unemployed, under-employed, active workers or on students

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A benefit for all

SDES is working to continue with the training based on the needs of companies in Guanajuato promoting training and job creation.

Training Workforce SDES  3
Training continues in programs of Guanajuato