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Training for a better workforce

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Training for a better workforce

The development of competencies and talent the productive sector and human skills are promoted in Guanajuato Workers of companies in the produ

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The development of competencies and talent the productive sector and human skills are promoted in Guanajuato

Training Companies Irapuato 2

Workers of companies in the productive sector of Irapuato are benefited

Irapuato/Gto News

Workers from 8 companies from Guanajuato received their certificates of training in different labor competencies availed by the Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development –SDES- as well as the Entrepreneurial Coordinating Council of Irapuato –CCEI- with the goal of improving the productive sector and the workforce of Guanajuato.


The most important asset

Ramon Alfaro Gomez, Under Secretary of Employment and Workers Formation of SDES, in representation of the Secretary Mauricio Usabiaga Diaz Barriga said that the development of labor competencies, as well as the formation of professionals is part of the strategies promoted by the Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, which are intended to achieve competitivenes and development of workers, who are considered the most important capital of companies.

Training Companies Irapuato 3

Better living

“All the programs and strategies that we adopt are the means for companies and workers to have better work conditions, better quality of life, so that they can provide better living conditions to their families”, said Alfaro Gomez.

Participants were trained in internal control of socially responsible companies, accounting and fiscal updating for auxiliaries, as well as social networks for realty agentes.

Clases master

An effort of all

Companies whose workers were trained are Construcciones Kaomaxi, Finanza Web, Agente de Seguro de Finanzas, Healthy People, Industrializadora de Porcinos Delta, Limpro Comercial, Operadora de Servicios Macialba, among others, these companies and the State Government and the CCEI worked in the creation of the courses, so that they would cover all the necessary topics to have better results in trainees.

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