UVEG and SDES join forces to create an online learning platform State Government promotes the development of soft skills and digital skills Da
UVEG and SDES join forces to create an online learning platform
State Government promotes the development of soft skills and digital skills
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Irapuato/Gto News
Guanajuatenses have a new opportunity to learn languages, develop interpersonal skills and socio-emotional skills at the Training Center 4.0.
The economic policy of the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, is focused on the personal and professional development of Guanajuatenses so that they are better prepared with technical and soft skills that make them more competitive by granting them new skills through a free, friendly and completely accessible platform.
For the launch of this cyber training space, the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development –SDES- and the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato -UVEG- entered into a collaboration agreement, signed by the Undersecretary of Employment and Labor Training, Enrique Rodrigo Sosa Campos -representing Secretary Ramon Alfaro Gomez- and the Jose Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, respectively, plus the Coordinator of the Labor Production Subcommittee Oscar Augusto Rodriguez Yanez as witness of honor.
The Training Center 4.0 is an effort between SDES and UVEG with the goal that more people have free access to human skills courses –soft skills– and digital skills, in addition to some 4.0 diplomas and additional UVEG courses.
This training center is available at:
- sde.guanajuato.gob.mx and at
- centrogto4.uveg.edu.mx
It is divided into 3 competition sections:
- Bilingual Guanajuato
- Talent Center
- Training Center
The language courses offer different levels of skills in varied settings with interactive resources, plus users can access remotely from any device with internet access at any time they wish.
On the other hand, the Talent Center Develops interpersonal skills and socio-emotional skills with a self-development orientation by promoting a proactive attitude towards new learning, as well as fostering openness to change and to diversity, integration of work teams, decision making, among other.
Finally, the Training Center brings together a large amount of content from different State agencies, teaching material for teachers, which will be available to everyone who accesses the platform.
Upon registration, those interested will be awarded one thousand coins, which they can use to enroll in the courses and upon completion they will receive more coins as a reward and with those new coins earned they can access other courses.