More than 116.3 million pesos are used for its construction It will be completed in August 2023, according to the works schedule Da click en el
More than 116.3 million pesos are used for its construction
It will be completed in August 2023, according to the works schedule
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Irapuato/Gto News
With the construction of the Tower of Medical Specialties Offices of the General Hospital of Irapuato, the Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility -SICOM-, contributes so that Guanajuato has the infrastructure that consolidates the Guanajuato Health System as the best in the country, as Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo has ordered.

Tarcisio Rodriguez Martinez, head of SICOM, informed that, for the execution of this work, the State Government invests more than 116.3 million pesos.
Rodriguez Martinez commented that the work began in mid-February 2022 and that this work is currently 59.50% complete, with the date for completion being August 2023.

The Tower of Medical Specialties Offices of the General Hospital of Irapuato will benefit more than 707 thousand inhabitants of the municipalities of Irapuato, Abasolo, Huanimaro, Cueramaro, Pueblo Nuevo and Penjamo, who do not have medical rights.

The work contemplates the construction of a four-story structure, with a total building area of 3,020 square meters; Rodriguez Martinez said that the first three levels correspond to external consultation and complementary services, in which 31 offices of different medical specialties will be located, leaving the administration and auditorium area on the fourth level.

Rodriguez explained that, to date, the construction of walls at all levels, foundation of perimeter fence and placement of waterproof on roofs continues.

In addition, sanitary, hydraulic, electrical, voice-data, air conditioning and fire-fighting systems are made at all levels.
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