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Tourist Observatory maintains world class

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Tourist Observatory maintains world class

The Tourist Observatory of the State of Guanajuato is transformed for 2023 In this 2022, the OTEG had important participations and continues in tr

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The Tourist Observatory of the State of Guanajuato is transformed for 2023

In this 2022, the OTEG had important participations and continues in transformation for 2023.

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Silao/Gto News

The Guanajuato State Tourism Observatory (OTEG) advances and evolves constantly. For the first semester of 2023, SECTUR and the Technical Group will work on the digital transformation and analysis of current indicators and on the generation of new indicators with the purpose of including citizen satisfaction.


The OTEG, in charge of the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, has been internationally recognized for remaining with its own methodology within the World Tourism Organization -UNWTO-.

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Currently, there are 33 destinations in the world that have an Observatory and Guanajuato is the only State in Mexico that has an Observatory with representation in the INSTO NETWORK of Sustainable Observatories worldwide; This makes available to the tourism sector, the media and the general population 31 informative indicators that appear at:

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Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato; Miriam Adame Alcaraz, Director of Information and Analysis; and Irazema Álvarez Pérez, in charge of the Directorate of Information and Analysis, met with representatives of the OTEG Technical Group, made up of the educational, public, and private sectors and the tourism advisory council.  

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“In this meeting we not only share the vision that the Secretariat has, but we also have commitments to fulfill in this evolution that OTEG has had. This structure of digital transformation, the analysis of information and local satisfaction are issues that are going to be integrated by 2023”, said the Secretary of Tourism.

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This tool “has allowed us to show what the tourist offer of the 46 municipalities is. Today, we have a commitment to a more assertive communication and make the platforms work in synergy so that the offer meets the demand”, he added.

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